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On her way back to the hospital Vic stopped by Luke's house and let herself in with her key. She went upstairs and packed him a bag. She grabbed his laptop bag and phone charger so he could at least check his emails and get some of the more important work done. She left the house and stopped to get them some semi-healthy food on the way as well.

When she walked into Grey-Sloan she was greeted by Miranda Bailey.

"Hey Miranda."

"Vic." She replied tersely.

"You have no right to tell me who I can or cannot date, Miranda. Especially when you and Ben started out in a similar situation. I am happy and in love and no one will get in the way of that. Now if you don't mind, I'll be on my way." Vic replied shortly as she grabbed a visitor's badge from the desk and walked to Luke's room.

"Hey you." She smiled softly at him.

"Hey. How'd it go?"

"Pretty good. Sarah said they would have a ruling in 72 hours. We'll have a big list of rules we must follow on duty. I won't be able to be inside any scene you are running. So, Sully, Herrera, Gibson, and Bishop will at least have to have copies of them. But if it gives me you and my job then I don't care."

"That is good. She said it was okay for us to stay together until the ruling?"

"Yes. She said she didn't want to keep us apart during a medical emergency. I'm so happy to see you. It's been a long two weeks." He nodded.

"Yes, it has. I grabbed some clothes and your laptop bag for you just in case you had some work that couldn't wait. Sarah talked to the ACO and he's taking care of what he can while you're out and I asked Sullivan for a week off. I know you can handle yourself, but I wanted to stay with you, just in case."

"Usually I would argue with you staying home but we've missed a lot of time together lately. I love you, Eggy."

"I love you too, Scruffy." Miranda knocked at the door.

"Is there a problem, Dr. Bailey?" Vic asked off-handedly.

"No. You were right. I just wanted to say I'm sorry." She replied before leaving.

"What was that about?"

"She didn't exactly say anything but the way she greeted me was terse and I told her that I didn't care what she thought, we are happy and that's what matters. I did tell 19 we'd answer their questions about us."

"And we will." He said as he started eating the food she brought for him. She smiled as she started eating as well.

"How have you been the last two weeks?"

"Good. Loads of paperwork. I didn't sleep much without you beside me. Lost a handful of civilians in a three alarm blaze a couple of days ago." She looked at him and tilted her head.

"Kids?" He nodded sadly.

"I can tell. You okay?"

"Not really. I'm dealing with it though." She nodded and squeezed his hand.

"Nightmares are back?" He nodded.

"I'm sorry, babe. What can I do?"

"Stay with me."

"Of course." Once they finished eating Vic kicked off her boots and climbed into the bed next to him. They both dozed off and woke to a knock at the door a couple hours later. Vic waved them in once she noticed it was 19.

"Hey guys." She said as she sat up.

"You up for this now, Luke?" He nodded.

"Okay. You guys can ask your questions." Vic replied.

"How long have you two been seeing each other?" Maya asked.

"Ten months." Luke replied and tried to pull himself up.

"Wait a second and I'll help you."

"I can do it myself." He groaned.

"You could but you won't." She smirked.

"Why's that?"

"Because I will tell them all of your secrets."

"And then I will tell them yours."

"Honey, we both know I suck at secrets. The only one I have ever managed to keep from them is us and even then, you know how that went." He chuckled.

"Are you two always like this?" Andy asked.

"Like what?" They asked in unison as Vic helped him sit up and sat back down next to him.

"Have you always gotten on this well and been so in sync?"

"Oh definitely." Vic replied.

"What made you so willing to risk it all?" Miller asked.

"His heart is so good. When Trav and I went to the peer support group, he was there, and he spoke. I learned a lot about him just from what he said. You all know I yelled at him during peer reviews," she turned to him, "I was right about 23 and we both know it." He chuckled and shook his head.

"Wait, Rip she yelled at you and lived to see another day?" Sully asked and Lucas nodded.

"Somehow. In the end she made a decent point. It also took guts, and I don't know it just kind of shocked me." Vic grinned.

"Anyway, I also yelled at him at the skyscraper. After Dean and I pulled Trav out. I was out of line that time. I apologized at the support group. But he spoke about the impact of having to make that call and how it affected him. I saw his heart that night and it drew me to him. We still didn't start seeing each other for a couple of weeks." Vic replied.

"For me, not only did I realize she had guts, but was fiercely loyal to her crew and how much she really cared for her patients. It told me a lot about her, and I needed to know more. I'm so glad I got that chance." Vic blushed as she hid her face in his shoulder.

"Aw Vic are you blushing?" Maya asked. Luke nodded.

"Yeah. She always hides in my shoulder when she's blushing or embarrassed."

"Stop giving away my tells." He smiled.

"You know I had my doubts about how this would work between you two, but this is real, and I won't stand in the way of that." Vic smiled.

"Thank you, Gibson, and yes, it is. Very real." Luke replied and wrapped his arm around Vic's shoulder.

"Do you guys have any more questions?"

"Nope. Just know we need a girls' night soon." Andy teased. Maya cheered in agreement. Vic groaned knowing they were going to ask a different kind of questions.

"I do have one thing I want to say." Luke spoke up before they could leave.

"When we're off duty, I am not the Chief. I know it's probably a bit weird. Feel free to call me whatever is easiest for you." They nodded and murmured their agreement.

"You both need to rest. Vic get him back in his office. Luke, you get her back on my crew. We'll see you both later." They smiled and exchanged goodbyes with everyone.

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