When Things Go Awry

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A week later the team was helping Vic finish pack up her apartment so they could get everything moved into Luke's house. They had decided that any food that was unopened would be donated to a food bank and any furniture they wouldn't need would be donated to a homeless shelter. She had also already donated some of her old clothes to the Goodwill, but they had more to drop off today.

Jack and Dean were wrapping her glassware in newspaper. Andy and Maya were helping her pack all her important photo albums and books. Travis and Ben were putting the boxes of food to together and getting them ready to take to the food bank.

Vic's phone rang and she answered before checking the caller id.

"Hello." She answered.

"Hello Victoria."

"David, what do you want?"

"Tell me are you really bedding down with the Chief?"

"First of all, that is not your business. Second, he and I have been together for nearly a year."

"You're nothing but a whore. You'll reap what you've sown." He replied as he hung up. Vic texted Luke and warned him about Mayhorn, just in case. She then called Sarah.


"Hey, Sarah, it's Vic. I just anted to have this documented. I received a threat from another firefighter because of Luke and I. His name is David Mayhorn."

"Okay, let me start that documentation. Can you send me a screen shot of the call log on your phone? I will blur out all but the number you are talking about."

"Yeah, give me two seconds." Vic replied and sent her the screen shot she needed.

"Have you warned Luke? He very easily could go after him as well."

"I did, and he's responded so I know he got it. Should we involve the police or wait to see if he is serious?"

"How serious do you think he is?"

"He laughed after he said it and then hung up. I believe he will at least try something."

"Call the police now, are you alone right now?"

"Okay, and no, my crew is here with me." Sarah nodded.

"Okay, call the police make a report and I will do what I can. If you spot him following you, or he calls again let me know."

"I will. Thanks Sarah."

Vic called the non-emergency line and they waited for an officer to show up. When there was a knock at the door Jack and Dean and made sure they were the ones to open the door just in case Mayhorn got stupid.

"Come on in, Tanner."

"Thanks, what's the problem?"

"Long story short, I have been dating the Chief for a while and we just got done with HR. So it's public now. There's another firefighter who I went on like three dates with six months or so before Luke and I got together who just called to threaten us. I already called HR and they have filed an internal complaint and will be doing their own investigation as well. But I believe he might actually have the balls to try something." Tanner nodded.

"Okay, what's his name?"

"David Mayhorn. Station 23, bravo shift."

"Alright, can you tell me what he said?"

"First he asked me, and this is word for word, 'Tell me are you really bedding down with the Chief?'" Vic replied as Tanner wrote it down.

"Then he said, 'You're nothing but a whore. You'll reap what you've sown.' Then he laughed and hung up. I have also warned Luke about the threat."

"Okay, I will check him out and we'll pull both your phone records and his to prove he made the call to your phone. If he calls you again call and report it to the non-emergency line again. They'll send me or another officer to take another statement. If you catch him following you, immediately call 911 and they'll dispatch someone to you, to at least scare him off, if he's still there he will be arrested."

"Okay, thanks Ryan." He nodded and left to go back to the precinct so he could write his reports.

"We should finish packing, but we can't risk taking anything to Luke's place right now. His address is not on the record except for in HR for his safety. Just in a case a firefighter who feels like he or she has been wronged. So, he'd have to follow us to find it." Vic replied.

"That's a good point. We'll have to find a way to make sure he's not following us. And yes, we will be escorting you to his house. There is no way you're staying alone, and we both know his security system is really good." Travis replied and Vic sighed.

"Yeah, it is. If the alarm is tripped, then the company automatically dispatches the police to the scene after forty-five seconds."

"Okay, we can at least take this stuff to the food bank and Goodwill. That way we can see if he is trying to follow you." Jack suggested.

"That's not a bad idea." Maya added.

"That way if he is following you, we'll be there with you."

"Yeah, okay. Let's do that." Vic replied as they started gathering everything to take with them.

"We all go to both places together. It's safer that way." Dean stated as they all climbed into their cars and pulled out of the parking lot.

They drove to the Goodwill about ten minutes up the road and parked in the back where they took the donations. They grabbed all the boxes out of the cars and brought them over to the employee who was checking and inventorying the donations.

They looked around and made sure they couldn't see Mayhorn while Vic went through everything with the donations.

Once everything was sorted out, they got back into the cars and drove to the food banks a few blocks over. Again, they all got out and brought everything into the food bank and helped them sort through it all. Jack and Dean noticed a man that fit Mayhorn's description watching them but didn't say anything. They paid attention to him and when they went to leave, and he started to follow them out.

"If you know what is good for you Mayhorn, you will stay where you are." Dean called as he and Jack cornered him while Travis called 911. Andy and Maya brought Vic outside where he couldn't get to her. Ryan was the first on scene and walked over to them.

"What happened?"

"Honestly, we don't know. We didn't even notice him, but Jack and Dean did. They saw him watching us and when we went to leave, he started to follow us. We found out he was there when Miller told him to stay where he was. Jack and Dean cornered him so that Travis could call 911. They're all inside." Vic replied.

"Okay, call your contact in HR, let them know. I'm taking him in for harassment. I will file that paperwork with them, so they have record of his arrest. Do not go anywhere alone, right now." Ryan told her and Vic nodded. She called Sarah and told her everything that had just happened. She then called Luke.

"Hey Eggy. What's up?"

"He followed us to the food bank. We called 911. Jack and Dean kept him inside while Trav called. Andy and Maya are with me outside. I already updated Sarah."

"Okay, I'm coming to meet you. You're not going anywhere alone right now, it's not safe."

"Okay. I don't want to go anywhere alone anyway. Luke, I'm scared."

"I know. I will be there in five minutes."

Five minutes later, Luke parked his car and got out before rushing over to Vic. She collapsed into his arms, and he held her as she sobbed. All the fear and adrenaline finally catching up to her.

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