Jennifer Comes to Visit

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"Luke, we need to tell Jen. She needs to know." Vic sighed.

"And it can wait until I'm home instead of stuck in here."

"Okay. It's your call but when she finds out, you get to answer to her."

"I hate when you use logic against me." Luke huffed and pulled out his phone.

"Hey Jen. Yeah, everything is alright. I just wanted to tell you that I had a heart attack. It was very minor and I'm fine. No, you do not need to come to the hospital. Okay, okay. I'll see you when you get here."

"She's coming?" He nodded.

"I figured. Hey, are you doing okay? You look distant." Luke shook his head.

"Just a flashback. I'm okay. Someone's phone rang just before the flash over the other day." Vic nodded.

"Can I do anything to help?"

"Don't leave me here alone with Jen." He joked.

"Hey! That's so not nice." Jen replied from the doorway. Vic grinned.

"Hey Jen."

"Hey, how's he really?"

"He's okay. His heart attack was minor. He knocked his head on the way down. Minor concussion and a few stitches. They're only monitoring him just in case. He'll probably be released in the morning." Vic replied.

"You two know I'm right here." He called.

"Of course. But you never give it to me straight, she does." Jen replied. He rolled his eyes.

"I told you I was fine."

"Yeah. I'm glad. I'm still not going anywhere." She reached out and squeezed his hand.

"I know." He squeezed back.

"Will there be any lasting damage?"

"No. I was at Vic's station when it happened. Three blocks away. It was less than ten minutes before I got here." Jen looked to Vic.

"He was having his monthly meeting with my Captain. They decided to talk in the gym. He knocked his head on the weight bench on the way down." Jen stroked his arm gently.

"I can stay for a couple days if you need me to."

"Vic has already taken time off for when I get released but you're more than welcome to stay with us." Vic nodded. She saw Sully hanging around outside. She went to see what he wanted.

"You good Captain?" He spun around.

"Yeah. I just didn't want to bother you two with Jennifer here." Vic noticed Luke spot them over Jen's shoulder.

"Well, he's spotted you, so you might as well come in." She replied as she went back into Luke's room. Sully trailed behind her.

"Looks like these two have you boxed in."

"Yeah. I'm not going to get away with skipping the doctor's orders this time." Luke grinned.

"Ever again." Vic added with a pointed look at Luke.

"Damn right. You wanted us to like each other. You got us together. Now you're stuck with us teaming up." Jen replied smiling at Vic.

"Introducing the two of you was simultaneously the best and worst decision I've ever made." He groaned and Bobby chuckled.

"What are you laughing at? You still get to deal with Vic at work." Vic grinned.

"By now you know I ain't afraid to yell at my superiors." Vic remarked.

"You sure that's not just the ones you're attracted to?" Vic gaped at him for a moment before regaining her composure.

"Well I always did think he was hot, but that's not why I yelled at him. At least not the first time."

"What was that motive?"

"Her loyalty to 19. Her family. The questions I was asking made her feel like I was attacking them. Especially Gibson and Herrera." Luke replied without hesitation. Vic smiled. She'd never actually said that, but he knew her well enough now to know that.

"Wait, she yelled at you and didn't end up on the wrong side of a Riptide?" Jen asked surprised.

"Yes." Luke replied.


"I got lucky I guess." Vic chirped as she checked her phone. It was Maya and Andy wondering is they could do girl's night tonight. Vic thought about it.

"Can I talk to him for a second guys?" Vic asked. They nodded and stepped out of the room.

"The girls want to do girl's night tonight. I can postpone if you would rather me stay with you. I know with the dreams coming back it might be rough for you." Luke smiled at her putting him before herself. He knew he'd be fine with Jennifer tonight.

"Go. Jen can stay tonight. I will be fine. It will give her a chance to fret over me. Let her know I'm really okay." Vic nodded she could tell Jen needed that too.

"Okay. I'll leave here around dinner time. You just call or text me if you need me and I'll be here, okay?" He smiled.

"I will. I promise." She smiled and kissed him softly. She let them back in.

"Jen, are you good to stay with him tonight?"

"Yeah. Of course, do you what you're doing. I got him for tonight." Vic nodded.

"I take it Herrera and Bishop have talked you into that girl's night sooner rather than later." Bobby stated and Vic nodded.

"With those two it's better to get it over with. But Jen the second something happens or if he needs me, you call me. I'll be here." Jen nodded.

For the rest of the afternoon the four talked and laughed until they cried. Swapping stories about Luke. Vic sharing some stories of her own.

They ate lunch and dinner together before Bobby left to go home for the evening. Vic promised to stop by Jennifer's place in the morning on her way back to the hospital to grab her some clothes and anything else she might need. Jennifer texted her a list of different items and toiletries that she would need.

Vic leaned over and kissed Luke before gathering all her things to leave. Luke watched her as she prepared to leave.

"I love you, Lucas. Be nice to your sister." She smiled.

"I love you too, Eggy. I'll try." Jen hugged Vic before she walked out the door.

Before Vic headed over to Andy and Maya's place she went back to Luke's place where most of her things were and grabbed an overnight bag. She changed her clothes and grabbed an extra pair of pajamas just in case. She knew Maya had already bought alcohol so when she stopped by the store, she only grabbed some junk food and candy before heading the last few blocks over to the girls' apartment.

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