Chapter 4 - Discussing the Arguments

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Chapter 4

Discussing the Arguments

Matvei was waiting for me on the other side of the door. "Are you okay?" he automatically asked me.

"Right now, I need you to tell me everything I need to know about our family so I don't freak out anymore? Any reality TV show stars cousins? Criminal mastermind great aunt? A president or prime minister with distant relations? Please, I would like to now right now, because I'm truly done with the surprises," I told him, not even trying to keep my cool.

Matvei motioned for me to follow him. I was a hundred percent behind not hanging around this particular spot any longer so I didn't argue. "That was pretty much it," he told me as we walked in the halls.

"Coming here was such a bad idea. We should have sent a carrier pigeon with an invitation to a ball," I whined.

What was the point of closure anyway when you could just bottle up your emotions and live in toxic denial all your life just fiiiine?

"What did my brother do?" my father asked me, his voice concerned.

"Nothing of consequence, but I feel all hicky after talking with him. He's got a bad vibe," I explained, and shook my shoulder a little.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't prepare you enough," Matvei said, staring at the ground.

I thought back to Kostyantyn yelling at my family for that exact reason before.

Why did I keep thinking about him all the time? It was getting into an issue.

It had probably something to do with whatever he did to my head when we fought Yoan. Residual Kostya mojo in my head.

It would wear off. At least I hoped so.

"Seriously, I know I might sound like a broken record, but I'm saying it again. This was a bad idea. Let's go back home. I don't need answers, I just need my bed."

"Leaving now would be suspicious," Matvei reminded me, "and the last thing you want in a suprahuman court is to do something suspicious, especially if anyone puts things together."

"We shouldn't have come here..." I said again. It was all I could say, like somehow repeating it might magically change things.

"It's too late now. Since we're already here, might as well go all the way," my father said.

We headed back to the main court in the middle of the castle.

"I get that you want to leave now," Matvei repeated, "I'll go look for her. Maybe we can speed things up a bit, instead of waiting or the fates to work in our favour."

I didn't say anything more, because what was there to say. I spotted Hugo lurking in a corner, so I headed his way, Matvei following me.

"Yo, where were you?" I asked him, trying to distract myself.

"Trying to blend in. People don't particularly like having a Nain Rouge around," Hugo epxplained.

"You guys stay here, I'll go see where... she is," my father said.

Whatever. Meet her, don't meet her. As long as we could get out of her soon.

Matvei left and Hugo and I sat at a bench side by side, in a corner of the open court.

People were walking past us and giving us weird stares.

"Why is everyone giving us the nasty stare?" I asked, glaring back at someone.

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