Chapter 6 - Summoning the Emotional Support

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Chapter 6

Summoning the Emotional Support

I was stomping in the halls of the castle, like a Stormtrooper with a mission that will potentially get shot in the next five minutes when I turned a corner and almost bumped into someone.

"Oh fuck, sorry," I automatically said, and looked at the person only to find her looking at me in a weird kind of awe.

"Oksana..." she said, a little breathlessly, her eyes filling with tears.

"How do you..." I didn't finish that sentence. I didn't ask her how she knew my name.

Same height. Same nose. Same hair colour.

Well damn it. Of course.

She knew my name because she had been the one to give it to me.

The first thing I had to say to my mother was "oh fuck, sorry". That was right on character.

"Oksana," she repeated, taking a step forward, her arms slightly reaching forward towards me. Was she...? Was she fucking trying to go and hug me now?

Did the evil queen that abandoned her child on a doorstep suddenly want to play mother of the year?

Yeah. Fuck and no.

I took a step back away from, raising my arms in front of me to protect myself.

"Yeah, no, that's not gonna happen. I don't like to be touched, especially by strangers," I snapped at her.

Her eyes widened in surprise at my words. And my glare.

It felt good inside.

I was an awful person.

I probably got that from my mother too.

"Oksana... I'm... I'm your mother," she said softly, struggling to say the words out loud.

I scoffed. Now that she was in front of me, my hate for her became exponential. "Yeah, I kind of figured it out. Just because you gave birth to me though doesn't make you my mother. As far as I'm concerned abandoning me to get abused throughout my whole life actually gives you a badge of honour at the table of evil mothers. Honestly? Maybe you should have just aborted me if you were just going to throw me away like trash."

She looked like I had just slapped her. In other circumstances I might have felt bad. In this one though? I was fucking beaming.

"What?" she asked.

"Did you really not understood what I just said, or you need me to repeat it for you more slowly," I told her with a sneer.

She took a step forward again, her eyes still filled with tears. "I didn't abandon you Oksana. I sent you away. To your father. To protect you. When I heard that you two had arrived here, I was so elated, even if it's a very dangerous and potentially bad idea. I would have preferred for him to keep you hidden for a little while longer."

What kind of bullshit was she trying to sell me?

She had no doing in my finding my father. I did it all on my own. I rummaged every last bit of money I could find to get a private detective to hunt him down.

"Yeah, I have no clue what you're saying. I found my father just a few weeks ago. All my life, I've either lived with abusive people or in the street. I've been starving, and abused and violated and everything awful you can think of really. And all of it? All of it is your fault," I told her, feeling all the furry I had built over for her building up and bleeding into my voice, "I was just a baby and you left me to die on doorsteps. Honestly? I almost froze to death. And that probably would have been a kindness with the life I've had. And all of it is your fault."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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