3: A reunion to remember

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sunshine peeked through the window Shining into y/n's face making her stir awake Birds could be heard chirping in the distance sitting up she had a smile on her face she walked over to the window and looked outside at the view of the Woods just a little ways across the property She was glad to be back home she went and got dressed Not feeling hungry she decided to get to work cleaning the house she started from the first floor she took the sheets off of the furniture went outside and shook them out the dust flew off she then went and put them in the washer she decided is it going to town to get some more cleaning supplies she made a list of things that would be needed to clean the entire house she grabbed the car keys and her purse and made her way out the door and to her car And made her way down the dirt road to the highway she Decided to go to the next town over to go to the grocery store after almost an hour drive she made it to a HEB                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          It was pretty packed but luckily she found a cart making her way into the store taking her list out of her purse she went over to the cleaning products walking down aisles and Isles collecting the things she needed she went over to the garden center and got a few packets of seeds strawberries, green beans, lettuce, pumpkins, squash, and others she then made her way to the food area and picked up some food and water and snacks she went to the checkout " hi how did you find everything?"the girl behind the counter said " it was good its really busy in here" Making small talk with the clerk paid for the items and by the way back out to the car as soon as she stepped foot outside the store the heat smack her in the face she look for her car once you got to it and put everything in it On the way home stop for some food and ate it on the way home turning down the dirt road                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  there was someone who ran out of the forest she didn't have time to stop she had hit a person with a car slamming on the brakes a screeching sound came from the tires crying can from a person that was lying on the ground King of the car to check to see if they were okay" oh my God are you okay what are you doing running out here" y/n Said stepping out of the car and rushing over to the person side the person was blooded something was evidence that it didn't happen from the car hitting them The Boy looks to be in their early 20s" Help me help me please this is Maniac chasing me with a chainsaw they killed my friends please help me help me Please!" this boy said in a panic" oh okay all right come with me I will get you to a phone okay?" the h/c Girl said Helping the person to their feet and getting them to the passenger seat of Of her car she got in the driver's seat and started to drive down the road towards her house the person was still crying hysterically no words were said between the till the boys crying came to a whimper by the time They reached the house she help the person get out of the car and took them to the kitchen and set them down at the table" can't wait here I'm going to go call the authorities okay?" the boy slowly looked up at her and slowly nodded his head Y/N turn towards the kitchen and picked up a phone she hopes her number was the same she punched in the numbers there was a dial tone and ring it on the other end someone picked up the phone " who is it!" A voice on the other end snarled "Uncle Monty is that you ?"See girl questioned" y/n that you called at a really bad time stuff's happening and one of our cows got loose," Uncle Monty said y/n Took a quick glance around to make sure the boy wasn't standing there eavesdropping " I know I was coming home from the store and I kind of hit him with my car I brought him back to the house I told him I was calling the cops. You guys should know he's here waiting" The girl whispered in a lower tone just in case the boy was truly eavesdropping" all right I'll send Tommy over it'll be about 15 minutes before it shows up you think you can stall?" Uncle Monty asked "Yeah I don't think that will be a problem" the girl said" oh and kiddo welcome back" Uncle Marty said with a smile tone" good to be back. oh tell him that the back door is unlocked"y/n said with a smile She heard footsteps coming where she was" okay thank you Sheriff will be waiting" the girl said before hanging up the phone she turned towards the boy who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen" the sheriff will be here in 15 minutes do you have any injuries?"y/n asked the boy" n-no ma'am" The boys Studdard"Oh sweetie you're shaking how about I make you some tea or get you some water?"y/n Ask the boy who is shaking " Water would be fine thank you ma'am"The boys said in the shaky tone You walked over and got on the glasses out of the cabinets And went over to the faucet and fill the cup with water before turning back to the boy and guiding him to the dining room I'm sitting him back down"Here you goI have some groceries out in the car I'm going to go get them I'll be right back should you drink this water okay take a breather"y/n Said About to walk away but the boy reached out and grabbed her "No you can't no no no he's still out there they're still out there now you can go kill you no !"The boy said in a panic tone "Okay okay I won't go anywhere "y/n Said trying to calm the boy down "Can you try to tell me what exactly happened?"y/n asked The Boy released a shaky breath " m- me a-and We're on our way to Houston But We ran out of gas and if you want to go look for help we saw this one farmhouse he went to go ask If they had any gas that we could use but it all went bad it all went very very bad"The boy started crying again the girl put a comforting hand on his shoulder" it'll be alright I know it feels like the end of the world right now but soon everything will be alright"The boy looks up at her" how do you know everything will be alright? "Boy asked in a shaky tone"On my 17th birthday my parents died in a crash and I felt like the world was falling apart all around me I thought things would never get better But as time passed I told you began to heal and I came back stronger Yeah it'll hurt right now but everything will get better it did for me and it could for you, "y/n said In a saddened tone The boy looked at her with Hopeful eyes                                                                GORE WARNING!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               out of y/n'sPeripheral vision she saw Thomas slowly creeping what does chainsaw in hand behind the boy with one swift motion the chainsaw roared to life and the boy tried to scramble to escape grabbing the y/n's I'm trying to get out Of the house with her y/n Grab the boys hands and it was all of her strength she threw him on the ground And put one of her feet on the square of his upper back "W -why why are you doing this you don't have to do this "The boy said in a pleading tone" don't worry everything will be better soon"y/n Said in As comforting tone as she could muster knowing what was about to happen Thomas revved up his chainsaw and Stabbed the boy through the stomach Turning his flesh into Something like sloppy joe the boy started gurgling blood crying end out in pain gasping for air the boys soon fell limp y/n check to see if she could find a pulse on the boy she could not the boy was now dead " see it got better" the h/c Girl said                                                          END OF GORE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Turning towards Thomas Who had already turned off the chain saw And dropped it on the ground The two old friends bounded towards each other y/n Jumped up and hugged him, He wrapped his arms around her waist the start spinning her around "Oh my gosh Thomas I missed you so much"y/n Said with a smile forcing the Thoughts of the boy on the floor out of her head Thomas made a happy noise agreeing that he missed her to before setting her back down Has hazel eyes looking into y/n e/c Ones A smile present on both their faces They both got a good look at each other they both are a lot more grown ups and they weren't the last time they saw each other Thomas was now muscular and A man and y/n was now a woman Her hair was a lot more growing out than it was before "Have you been Thomas"y/n Asked Excitingly getting him over the table so they Sit down and catch up Thomas Mumble a few words that Where incoherent but his eyes were happy and that told y/n That he had been good "That's good Thomas"y/n said Suddenly coming to the realization that she had left her groceries in the car "Oh my gosh I forgot I have groceries in the car I'll be right back"y/n said Standing up when Thomas grabbed her hand And made a gesture towards himself Indicating that he would want to help her" sure you can help come on"y/n said grabbing his hand and walks towards the Back door and around to the car Together it only took two trips Table talks and caught up he helped her put away the groceries So the baron cabinets were no longer barren Thomas look down at the seed packets end looks back at y/n With a questioning look "I was thinking about starting a garden" y/n Answered his questioning look "Have you Had lunch yet?" y/n asked Thomas shook his head no "I'm going to make us some Sandwiches, Does that sound good?" Thomas, nodded  his excitedly                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   he got the bread off of the top of the fridge and handed it to y/n. h/c girl got to work making turkey sandwiches. She put Them On plates And handed one to Thomas they sat down at the dining room table they chatted while they eat their lunch once the lunch was finished Thomas insisted on washing the dishes Which you agree to but Under one condition that he let you dry them which nodded excitedly to Once that was finished y/n And Thomas suddenly remembered the boy on the floor" hey I can drive you back to your house so you don't have to Lug him all the way back there by yourself" y/n Offered Which Thomas gladly accepted You went out to the shed to see if you can find a tarp which luckily you Did end wraps the boy in it you and Thomas carried him to your trunk and place them inside of it then begin your journey over to his house.

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