Chapter 2 (Lemon)

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A little Note: This chapter will contain Lemon, and will be my first time write this. But i hope this will good, since i read to many doujin.

And let just hope wattpad don't delete my account, or this story.
To the story.

3rd POV.

The couchill room was to silent, Both
Sona, and Rias can't speak, because they was still in shock. Y/N a woman that almost perfect that have tittle the Lady of Kuoh, was Zero.

But they try to calm they self, and try to lying to her. Because they think Y/N just joking.

Sona: "W-What that mean Y/N?"

Rias: "Yeah what that mean you was zero?"

Y/N just smiling after hear this. While Isamu just giggle.

Sona: "What the funny Isamu?"

Isamu: "Nothing, just it kinda funny that both of you try to lying."

Rias: "W-What?"

Y/N: "My dear Rias let me tell you something. I know both you was devil."

After saying that both Rias, and Sona can't hiding it.

Sona: "Alright both of you win, it was right both of us was devil."

Rias: "Then is what do you say was right Y/N?"

Y/N: "I was Rias. Well let me do this first." Snap fingger.

Rias, and Sona take an stance as ready to fight. But they know that they can't use any magic.

Sona: "What are you doing Y/N?!"

Y/N: "Why don't see outside?"

They look outside, and see something strange. All thing from falling leaf, bird that flying, and people that was supposed to walk, was freeze. It's look like she stop time, but not to Rias, and Sona.

Rias: "Did you do this?"

Y/N: "Yes i was the one who did that."

Sona: "For what?"

Y/N: "Why we don't sit down, and try to talking from heart to heart."

They sit, and Sona was the one who asking her.

Sona: "So what do you want Y/N? It was weird to know that something that already exist before god, nor satan don't wanna something?"

Y/N: "Well my dear Sona, i don't wanna anything from both of you. I just want to have peace for my self, and Isamu."

Rias: "Just that?"

Y/N: "Yeah just that."

After saying that Y/N take a sip from tea that appear in table.

Sona: "Very well. Then can you explain why are you doing at human realm?"

Y/N: "It's not my first time stay in this realm my Cute Sona~"

Sona get blushed after hear that.

Y/N: "I already with human since a first civilation. Surely human was an interesting."

They shock to hear that, if Y/N already live with human since first civilation.

Rias: "Y-You already live with human since the first civilation?"

Y/N: "Of course, i already live with them since that time. Surely they was an interesting thing i ever see."

Sona: "Why like that?"

A Zero Of Supernatural (R🔞.Dxd Harem x Futa Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora