Recovery Flame.

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Green was quiet as he snuck out of his place. He wasn't going to get caught this time. He just wanted to be left alone for a while. Well... as alone as he could. He went out and quickly found a quiet place nearby. He sighed before sitting down in the center and setting the case down. He paused before gently opening it and pulling out the instrument that laid inside. It had the base as a pochette with quite the backing and support. He had to pause every so often as he tuned it and faintly tested it. Then he took a steady breath and adjusted the mouthpiece that connected to the second part of the small instrument before playing a soft tune.

As it faded, he felt the heavy feeling that was almost crushing him fade away with the noise. It didn't feel possible, but it was gone. He smiled faintly as he gazed over the small instrument. It hummed in his hands as he set up for a calmer tune.

He sighed as Daisy joined him. He fell quiet as she gently set down a larger case.

"Why only have one without its partner in crime?" He looked away as she sighed. "Come on. Let's really play."

"I..." He sighed as she set up the larger instrument, which was a beautiful Octobass with almost an organ attached. He nodded to her before she started.

Green let a quiet sigh loose as she sat down next to him. She paused before letting him rest his head against her shoulder.

"You should go for it."

"I don't know... I should... I let the others down..." She gripped his wrist as he drifted off.

"I'm sure if you perform near them, you'll get more comfortable. Stop playing all the way out here and get back into the spotlight." He frowned.

"Daisy... I'm not ready for that... you know that. It hurts thinking about it..."

She saw the shyness and defeat fill his eyes as he pulled away from her and brought his instrument up for another soft tune.

She smiled as he paused. He glanced at her and sighed.

"I guess I just need time..."

"You've had time. Now this is when we advance to the next step." He lowered his head before cleaning up the two instruments.

"W-w-w-w-w-w-we'll see...." He barely glanced at her before carrying the two away. She sighed before a thought hit her mind. As her brother left her earshot, she called someone.

"Hey, it's me. I need your... assistance with something... meet me in Vermillion."

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