i shouldn't be so hopeful

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"I don't like guys."

I stare at her, the words slowly sinking in.

"So you're..." I ask, tentatively.

"Lesbian." she says, matter of factly, "You can say it."

I don't know what to say. Should I tell her too? Or is it too soon? Will she tell people? Will she tell Pope?

"Can I tell you something important?" I can't believe that I'm finally about to tell someone. My heart is pounding loud enough for me to wonder if Kie can hear.

"I'm gay too. And I like Pope."


You won't tell anyone, right?

I have to make sure no one finds out. Especially not Pope. 

Ofc not

I knew I could trust her.

I can't help smiling. Maybe I did have a chance with Pope after all.  If I finally had the courage to tell him.


I'm on my way to Pope's.  Maybe today will be the day I tell him how I feel. 

I knock on the door, and Heyward tells me Pope's making some deliveries to Figure Eight, but he'll be back soon.

I decide to go down to the docks to wait for him. Sure enough, there he is. Sailing in like a prince. The sun makes him look golden, and I smile. God, he's so beautiful.

"Pope!" I shout.

Instead of yelling back, Pope lowers his cap and slowly stops the boat.

"Hey man. What's up?" I say slapping him on the back.

"Nothing much," he mutters, pulling the cap down further.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just go home. Please."

I playfully flick his cap off his head, but my smile drops when I look at his face. It's terribly bruised, and he has a black eye.

"Who did this to you?" I say, my voice trembling with rage.

"Rafe and Topper jumped me." 

"We've gotta get them back Pope. They can't just get away with this."

'But what on earth are we gonna do? The police won't listen."

"I'm not saying we go to the police. I have a much better plan."


"Your plan is to commit a crime?" Pope looks at me, shocked.

We're standing in front of Topper's boat. It's incredibly expensive, just like everything Kook's own.

"All you have to do is sink it," I say. "Perfect revenge."

Pope looks like he's about to disagree, but starts taking off his shirt.

"Wow man, didn't know we were moving so fast." I joke. 

Pope goes bright red.

"Fuck off."

"You know you love me."

Pope blows me a mock kiss before jumping off the boat.

I'm standing on the boat, watching Pope swim over to Topper's as I smile like an idiot. That was all a joke. Right? We weren't actually flirting. Were we?

Pope bursts up out of the water, holding a part in his hands. I cheer as he throws it far out into the marshes. 

I pull him up into the boat. His hand lingers in mine for a second, and it's almost like we're holding hands. I quickly pull away.

"Let's go, Dr Spock."


Jesus Christ. Yet again, I'm woken up by my phone. Bleary-eyed, I grab it to see that Pope's calling me. He's not much of a caller, so this must be important.

"Late night booty-call?" I joke.

"They know." Pope sounds scared.

"Who? Knows what?" I ask, confused, still trying to wake up.

"Rafe and Topper. They know it was me." he's speaking fast, which I know means he's really worried.

"How could they know?" I say, trying to sound reassuring. 

"They came over," he says. "They didn't say anything but they know. Trust me."

"It'll be ok man. Just go to sleep. We'll sort it out tomorrow ok?"

"Ok." his voice is thick with sleep now.

I'm about to hang up when he says something.



"Love you man."

"Love you too bro."


I hang up, struggling to keep the smile from spreading across my face. He meant that in a friendly way right? Right?


I'm over at Pope's, and we're trying to work out a plan. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. 

"Kildare County Sheriff's Department. Open up, Mr Heyward."

"Shit man," Pope says. He opens the door.

"Mr Heyward?" It's Shoupe, my absolute favourite officer.


"I'm arresting you for the destruction of property."

"You can't do that," I shout. I can't let them take Pope. Especially since this was all my idea after all. My stupid, idiotic idea for revenge.

"I'm afraid I can son." says the Sherriff.

"No, you can't because it was me," I say.


"Shut up Pope. It was me."

As Shoupe takes me towards the police car and I look back at Pope, and when I see the expression on his face, I know I've done the right thing.


I lean against the wall of the cell and smile. Finally, I'd done something good.

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