Chapter 6

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A/N: Lmao Im sorry I havent updated in so long- I forgot this fic existed ;0

Ikuya POV:


Trigger warning? (Traumatic memories)

(swear warning)

I gazed at the window, watching the light dance around gracefully in the air, illuminating the floating dust particles. The sunset was beautiful today. 

The doctor came in and said I was stable enough to leave the hospital. He left my backpack on the floor next to my bed and helped me out of bed. I stared at the sterile white tiles. It made me feel sick. I hated hospitals. It always seems to trigger back the memories of the rushing doctors, the sound of the monitor beeping my unstable ass heartbeat, especially when they put the gas mask on my face. 

But I get to leave now, and thats what counts.

Ill leave the sterile hospital room. Leave the beeping monitor. 

Just leave.

I walked out of the hospital, waved goodbye to the registration worker and walked off. 


Outside was bright. Really bright. I put my hand to my eyes to shade them from the sun as I went onto google maps and set directions for the apartment. 

I finally open the door to see hiyori in the living room, sipping a cup of tea and reading something intently. He looks up to me and smiles.

"Welcome back Ikuya" says hiyori, getting up and giving me a hug. I wince, then sink into it. Though I'd never admit it to his face, Hiyori's hugs always helped. I slowly wiggled my way out of his hug and muttered, "good to be back". I walked over and lay on the couch. And I slept. 


Next day

Ikuya POV:




I woke up in a jolt  to see hiyori bending over me. He looked cross. 

"Finally. You really sleep a lot dont you?" he mumbled, annoyed.

"Well its not like your better. I have to wake you up to" I say, rolling my eyes.

"I wake you up more dont even-" Hiyori snarks.

"I- whatever" I sigh, getting up and stretching my arms, before making my way over to the kitchen. I take out a can of fish and fry it on the pan as hiyori waits at the table. The fish sizzled and bubbled as i flipped it until it was a solid salmon pink colour. I added some seasoning and put it on 2 plates for hiyori and I. 

We ate the fish in silence. It was not those awkward silences though, more like those contented 'i enjoy being in your presence' silence. Today I was supposed to see Haru at the pool. We were going to go practice swimming together. Besides, I needed to brush up on my technique, and he was my inspiration.

And also cause little mermaid ;)

I finished the fish and went to go pack my swimming gear and head to the pool. As I was about to head to the door, hiyori calls out; "Ikuya! Where are you going?"

"Just heading off to the pool to practice." I reply calmly.

"Wait, let me come with you! You shouldnt practice alone!" He says, slightly worried.

"Its fine, I wont be alone, you dont need to come." I say, getting a little frustrated on why hes so worried.

"Well whos gonna be with you?"

I was worried he was gonna say this. Well, guess theres no choice but to say who it is. I look over to him and say, "Haru."

Instantly his expression changes to a mix of annoyance, anger, and... something else. 



Im not sure, but it definetely wasnt happy. He was silent for a moment, then replied coldly; "Why?"

Now this was a bit too much for me. First he gets annoyed at me for not waking up early, and now he doesnt want me to go to the pool with Haru? Hiyori and Haru have never really gotten along, but that doesnt mean he can ask about everything with Haru. 

"Its none of your business. Im going now."

I open the door and leave before he can say anything. He was not going to stop my meetup with Haru. 


I get to the pool to see haru, already there and practicing laps in the water. He always had this look whenever he swam that was like no other person swimming. He made swimming look natural in the way breathing underwater was natural for a fish. It was beautiful. He was beautiful. Haru was amazing.

Haru looks up at me once while swimming and smiles before resuming back to swimming. I felt tingly on the inside. I don't know why, but Haru made me feel a sort of excitement on the inside.

I position myself on the diving board and dive headfirst into the water. I feel myself move through the water smoothly, like i was carving into it, my arms moving with the water rather than resisting it. I missed swimming like this. The accident with the doctor made it feel like I havent swam in months, though the reality was it was only a few days. 

I complete 4 laps consecutively before standing up to see haru. Haru was still swimming back and forth, he didnt take a break yet. He looked so natural doing it too. The way his muscular arms worked through the water, his torso and legs following the rhythm. He swam fast. and quick. He turned to do a backstroke, exposing his abs, which might I say, look so fine, i-

Haru makes eye contact with me and I feel my face go red. I just realized I have been staring at him for the past 2 minutes. I cover my face and look away when I hear the splashing stop. Haru approaches me and taps my shoulder from his lane. 

"Would you like to race with me, Ikuya?" Haru asks, an unbothered expression on his face.

I try to calm myself down internally and respond: "Yeah! Lets ra-ace"


I try not to think about my voicecrack to much. Haru walks toward the diving board, and I follow side by side (on my own lane). I can do this. I will beat haru this time. 

I stand on the diving board and crouch into the diving position. I look to my side. Haru does the same, looking ahead, clearly focused. Haru counts down with his fingers and I watch them from the corner of my eye. I am ready.





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