Your POV

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(You'll understand the picture during the story.)

When you had finished with his massage you went to go get his clothe which you had put in a box so they wouldn't wrinkle.

After you gave him his clothe you walked to the front desk to get his phone and which had for some reason to be taken away.

When you came back you forgot to knock and just walked in. All you saw was luke in only his jeans and no shirt.

You quickly handed him his phone and quickly tried to walk away but something or someone grabbed your wrist.

When you turned to look at what happened you saw that your shirt sleeve had gotten stuck on a loose nail. You yanked it and accidentally ripped you shirt sleeve 'shit', you mumbled. As you were walking out you felt a hand grab you by the shoulder yiu were scared out of your thoughts. When you looked at your shoulder you saw it was hand.

The hand belonged to the guy. You turned and saw him looking at you so you looked down out of embarrassment.

You were thinking of how hot he looked towering over you.....WAIT NO YOU CAN NOT LIKE YOUR CLIENT.

You were in deep thought when you heard a mumble. You looked up and see the guy saying something. "Sorry, what?", you asked loud enough for only him to hear.

"I know we hust met", he sighed. "Iknowwejustmetbutwouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?", he said all in one breath.

"I'm sorry but what did you say?", you asked totally confused.

"I know we just met but", he took a deep breath and said,"but would you like to go on a date with....with me?", he asked with hope in his voice and eyes.

"Um i dont know. Its against policies to date a client. And like you said we just met and i don't even know your name.", you tried denying.

"Exactly. Well let me introduce myself. Hi or hey. I'm Luke Hemmings and I'm in band called 5 seconds of summer or 5sause or 5-es-oh-es.", he introduced himself.
"Now you.",he instructed.

"Well I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I'm a masseuse. I'm in college amd have my own apartment. I have a pet turtle named Michael Angelo (lol my friend actually has a turtle with that name). And those are some fun facts about me.", you finished telling him.

"Well Y/N will you go on a date with me, so we can get to know each other better?", he asked with a bit of curiosity in his voice.

When you didn't answer he started to pout his lip and gave you puppy eyes. Damn! Why did that have to be your weakness.

"Okay fine I'll go on a date with you.", you finally said giving in.

"Yay! Okay give me your number and I'll give you mine.", he instructed.

After we swapped numbers he left and I could finally have a break.

~~~~~~~~~~~Closing Time~~~~~~~~~

As you saw it was closing time, which was at 5:00 p.m, you locked up and started to walk to your car. As you got inside you got a text. You thought it was just your mom or one of your friends. But instead of answering it you started your car. When you were about to drive off your ringtone went off.

(And if you haven't heard that somg oml you should: Riptide by Vance Joy)

So you answered it.
"Hello?", you answered.
"Oh, hey", they replied.
"Who is this?", you asked.
"Oh,its um...its Luke", he responded sounding unsure.
"Oh, hey Luke. What's up?", you replace.
"Well I sent you a text, but when you didn't respond I thought there was something wrong.", he said with a hint of concern in his voice.
"Luke calm down. I just thought it was someone else.", you said calmly.
"Oh, ok. Anyways I was wondering if you wanted you to go on that date tonight?", he asked curiosity obviously in his voice.
"Um....yeah...sure..just give me time to get myself together.", you responded unsure.
"Yeah sure I'll pick you up at 7. Yeah?", he answered.
"Yeah see ya then.", you told him and hung up.
And with that you drove off to your apartment.

So sorry if this is terrible. Anyway i was wondering if anyone wanted to be a friend of the main character a.k.a you. And if you do message me and I'll put you in the next chapter after Luke.

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