Your P.O.V

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Getting home you showered, changed and put your make up on. You wore a black dress that came up to your knees and showed your back. You didn't think it was for a funeral but that was the only black dress you owned. Of course you owned plenty of black clothing but it was a funeral and you loved your aunt dearly. So messaging your mom telling her if she wanted you to pick her up or if she wanted to get there separately. Your mother and you had a complicated relationship after your grandma had died.

She was the only motivation when you told your family you wanted to become a masseuse. Everyone else was dissapointed because they thought you could do better than that. But honestly you didn't care it was the only thing you thought you were good at. Your family had always something negative to say but to be honest you still loved them. You had 2 older sister and 2 younger sisters. You also had 2 step siblings on your dad's side but you were never close to them. They always seemed to be to good for your family. However you didn't really mind as long as they didn't interfere with you or your family.

After about 6 minutes of waiting your phone buzzed and to your surprise it was Luke.

Hey so I was wondering if you wanted to go on that date next Friday?
Yeah that sounds great. Am I allowed to know where we will be going?
Nope sorry it's a surprise😋🙊
Oh is that so? Well then I guess it better be good lol
Well you'll have to wait and see

After that you got a text from your mother explaining that she already had a ride but thanked you for asking.
And with that you made your way to your car and drove of the the funeral home that your aunt's funeral was being held at.

When you got there you hadn't expected so many people to be crying or be there in general. Your aunt wasn't one to be friendly with everyone and even though you knew she did have friends you didn't think she had so many. There were roughly about 300 people there. And yes it might not seem like much but for a small building it looked very crowded.

As you made your way through the crowd you spotted many familiar faces. Like your godmother Jenny, your cousins Cesar,Daniel, and Jose, your nieces Ana, Sandy, and Emily, you saw many more relatives bug couldn't name them all if you could.

They all seemed to be crying or teary even those who never cried. Even your cold hearted step sibling were crying. As you made your way to the front you spotted your mother. It kind of broke your heart seeing her like this.

But before you could reach her you felt a tap on your shoulder.


Author's Note:

Okie so I know I've had terrible updates but I promise to update more and shout out to all my readers who are still reading this trash
So please give me feedback and vote :))

The MasseuseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang