Chapter 10

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"Hi Samantha," Dr Freud said, coming into the room. Samantha clung to me.

"Do you mind if I sit and talk with you for a while?"

Samantha clung even tighter to me.

"Tyler doesn't have to go anywhere. Would that make you more comfortable?"

She nodded. Jenna and Brendon and Sarah made to leave. Samantha grabbed Jenna's hand. Dr. Freud nodded.

Dr. Freud did all the talking. Samantha barely acknowledged anything he was saying. I don't know if she was listening , but I wasn't going to interject. This was her session. He talked to her about the abduction and what happened. Samantha didn't answer. A few times she shook her head yes or no, but she didn't speak.

He also tried to talk to her about Stanley's death. When he mentioned Stanley's name, tears sprang to her eyes and she buried her face in  my shoulder.  I saw Jenna squeeze her hand a little tighter. 

But Dr. Freud was adamant that Samantha understand that Stanley is gone. And we agreed. So he pressed on explaining that he'd been killed. 

At the end of the hour, he wanted to talk to Jenna and I. 

"Samantha, I'm going to have your friends come back in so I can speak to Jenna and Tyler for a minute, okay?"

Samantha shook her head. 

"It's Brendon and Sarah, sweetheart. And we'll be right outside and right back, okay?" 

Brendon and Sarah came in and smiled at Sam. 

"Can you hang with them for just a minute?"

Samantha shook her head violently. 

"Hey, hey," I said. "I know, I know. We won't even close the door, okay?"

She shook her head again. 

"Hey, kiddo. I promise you, we'll stay right here, we can stay as close or as far as you want, so Ty and Jenna can just speak to the doc for just a minute," Brendon said. 

"Sweetheart, we'll be right here, just outside the door. I promise," Jenna said. 

Sarah came up to Samantha and tried to take  her hand. Samantha pulled it away. 

"Okay, sweet girl," Sarah said. "It's okay. But is it okay if I sit here beside you so Tyler and Jenna can speak to the doctor for a minute?"

"You'll be fine. It's Brendon and Sarah. They love you and they won't hurt you," I said. 

She put one finger up. 

"One minute. I promise," I said. 

She released her death grip on my shirt.  Her hand shot out for Sarah's. I was glad she could trust her. At least, I hoped this was trust.  I gave her a kiss on the forehead and told her we'd be right back, and followed Jenna and Dr. Freud outside. 

"So," I asked. "What do you think? He's undone everything we all worked so hard to achieve."

"He's done significant damage in a very short period of time," Dr. Freud agreed. "We're going to have a lot of work ahead of us."

"She hasn't said a word since she woke up," I said. "Nothing. The only noise she's made is screaming at a nightmare."

"I think it's selective mutism. I mean, we know she has the ability to speak, and physically, he didn't do anything that could have impeded her ability to speak. We have no idea the things he said to her, and her examinations here all showed that while he did hit her, frequently and violently, that's about it. There were no signs of sexual abuse. So whatever has her no longer speaking, is all from both the physical and psychological abuse in the week she was his captive."

I sighed. We'd probably never know all the things he said to her. Gillingham could probably tell us some of what she endured. But I don't know if I want to know too much. And I don't know, if we're allowed to see him, if I'd want to.

"So, what do we do?" I asked. "How do we help her?"

"Well, when the hospital is ready to release her, I don't think sending her back to school would be a good idea for the moment. Talk to the school, they can probably set you up with a tutor to help keep her up to date with her classmates. But don't push her to participate. Don't push her to do the work, and explain to the tutor what has happened, and don't expect that she'll show much engagement with the tutor. I wouldn't push for a full day of classes. A few hours, maybe a trusted friend to bring homework from school? But until she's ready, until she's able to feel comfortable away from you, until she feels safe, I wouldn't push her to go to school. She's going to be needy, she's going to be clingy and I expect the nightmares are going to stay bad for a while. I'd like to see her three times a week. I'm willing to come to your home, until she's comfortable in the office again."

I nodded. 

"She will  heal. She will be okay, it's going to be a long road, but she worked so hard the first time, and if she puts in that kind of work again, we'll get Samantha back on the road to recovery.  I'll check in again with her on Monday."

"Thank you Doctor," I said. 

We went back into the room where Brendon was sitting at the end of her bed, singing quietly to Samantha, and Sarah was lying on the bed, holding her hand and had her arm around her. Samantha looked comfortable, and was listening to Brendon sing. She hadn't smiled, but she seemed relaxed.

"Hey there beautiful," I said, going to her other side and laying beside her. She grasped on to me as soon as I did. "Did Uncle Brendon and Aunt Sarah take good care of you while we were gone?"

She nodded. Sarah smiled, as did Brendon. 

"She's a good audience," Brendon said, smiling. "Quiet."

Samantha rolled her eyes at him. I smiled. I took that as a sign that progress could be made. 

"Did you enjoy Brendon's concert?" I asked Samantha.  She nodded, looking down at her hands. 

"Sam?" Sarah said. "Would it be okay if Brendon and I left you with your parents, and came back to visit tomorrow?" 

Samantha looked at her, then at Brendon, with a little suspicion, and then nodded. 

"Great. We'll come tomorrow with... Hmm. Should we bring coffee?"

Samantha shrugged. 

"Or, hot chocolate? Iced tea?"

Samantha shrugged again. I looked over at Jenna. She looked sadly at me. I knew Sarah was trying to get her to talk, but she was being gentle. 

"We'll see you guys tomorrow. Do you need or want us to bring anything by?"

"You mind grabbing us some changes of clothes? Maybe pyjamas for Samantha? And some clothes to go home in? I don't know how long they plan on keeping her here."

"Any special requests, Sam?" Brendon asked. 

She shrugged and then shook her head no. 

"You're going to let Brendon pick out your pyjamas and clothes to go home in?" I asked her. 

She lifted her hand and pointed at Sarah. 

"You want Sarah to pick your clothes, huh?" Jenna said. 

Samantha nodded. 

"Good choice," Brendon laughed. "We'll see you tomorrow, Josephs."

Family is Forever (Sequel to Running on Insulin)Where stories live. Discover now