Chapter 50

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Samantha POV

The flight to California was weird. Having never been on a plane before, I had no idea what to expect. It was the weirdest feeling when the plane took off. Mom told me I was breaking her hand with how hard I was squeezing it.  But she didn't seem upset. She was smiling and laughing somewhat. 

Mom and Dad had gotten me a diabetic meal for the flight and it was actually kind of gross. Dad said I had to try to eat it because I'd taken my insulin, so I choked down what I could. He promised me we'd go somewhere great for dinner. 

We hit some turbulence, Dad called it, flying over the Grand Canyon, which I could not see out the window anyway.  But before I knew it, we were landing.  Dad gave me gum to chew as we landed because on takeoff my ears were sore and Dad showed me how to 'blow' them out. It hurt a bit, but felt better and I could hear better.

When we landed in LA, we got our luggage and went through a set of doors.  Standing there waiting for us was Zack. I was so happy to see him. He gave me the biggest hug and told me he was happy to see me. I was so happy to see him, too. 

He led us out to his car and took our luggage cart. 

"Sam, you go on and get in the back seat, hey?"

I opened the door and my jaw dropped. 

"Uncle Brendon!" I said, and leaped into the car and hugged him. 

"Hey there, darlin'! I am so happy to see you!"

"Me too!" I said, hugging him tightly. 

Mom and Dad and Zack got into the car and we drove off. 

When we pulled into Uncle Brendon and Aunt Sarah's house, Sarah and Kala came outside and said hello. Aunt Sarah wrapped me in a tight hug and told me I was a sight for sore eyes. 

While we were all saying hi, two little dogs came out of the house. 

Uncle Brendon introduced me to Penny Lane, his pug, and Bogart, his Jack Russel Terrier. I gave them scrubs behind the ears. 

They showed us upstairs to our rooms.  They showed me a room that was blue. I liked it. There was a picture on the wall over the bed of a boy protecting a smaller girl, and a pair of drumsticks. I had a feeling, from what Dad had told me, that it was Jess's room. I wasn't sure I wanted to sleep in that room. It felt... wrong. 

"Are you really sure?" I asked, after telling them that I realized it was Jess's room. "I can sleep on the floor on Mom and Dad's room, really. It's no problem."

Aunt Sarah says they would be happy for me to use the room. It feels weird, but I guess it'll be nice to have my own space. 

After they show me the bathroom that's attached to my room, but has a door to the hallway, so Mom and Dad will be sharing the bathroom, we all went downstairs and sat in the living room catching up.  I was leaning up against Uncle Brendon and he was playing with my hair. The whole trip, and the excitement and nervousness from flying and the fact that it was three hours later at home, and I was so comfortable with Uncle B playing with my hair, I fell asleep. 

I woke up suddenly, not knowing where I was for a minute. 

"Where?" I said, sitting up and looking around. I realized where I was and smiled. 

Mom and Dad said they'd decided on dinner in Venice Beach and so we all piled into Zack and Kala and Uncle Brendon and Aunt Sarah's car.  Dad and I went with Uncle B and Aunt Sarah and Mom went with Zack and Kala. Uncle Brendon put on some music and was singing along. I loved listening to him sing. 

We pulled up to an Italian restaurant and we all piled in.  We sat and ate and laughed. Uncle B and Aunt Sarah asked me all sorts of questions about school and sports. I told them I was thinking of trying out for soccer when we went home. Uncle Brendon told me I should. He asked what the worst thing was that could happen. I said I could make a fool of myself, or break a leg. He said I could make the team and be the star player. I laughed. I like soccer, and I can play it, but I'm not that good at it. 

After dinner, we walked along the boardwalk, or whatever they called it, for a little while. It was cool seeing the ocean. Dad promised me we'd spend at least one day at the beach this week. 

Mom looked over at me as we were walking, smiled and said. 

"She's not going to say anything, but Samantha's falling asleep on her feet. And to be honest, I'm a bit tired, too. I think we need to get her home to bed."

We got back into the car and I sat up against mom in the back seat. 

I felt myself floating. 

"Shh," I heard. "Let's just put her to bed. We'll check her sugar later, and I'll give her her long acting now."

I felt myself put on a soft surface, and someone took off my shoes. I curled up and felt covers placed over me. I felt a small pinch at some point, in my stomach, but I just groan and turn over. 

"Sleep tight, my darling daughter," I hear Dad say as he kisses my forehead.

I drift off into a deep sleep.

Family is Forever (Sequel to Running on Insulin)Where stories live. Discover now