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Heyyyyyyyyyy Arrow fans!! It's your girl Baila and I have a new and revised fanfic for you all!

Anyways loves, please motivate me by commenting and voting like crazy. I'd like it very much! Like A LOT...

"Carry on."


Eleven years ago

             Five minutes. Babies can be born in five minutes, someone could lock eyes with death in five minutes. But in this case, five minutes is all it took for me to escape. To finally inhale the sweet scent of freedom.

             The sound of alarms blaring filled my ears. I had five minutes to escape before he came back to chain me down in that dreadful cellar. It was filled with cobwebs that brought along creepy crawly insects. Such a small square space held so many terrible memories.

             Darkness clouded the air, it clouded my thoughts, and it clouded my body filling me with nothing but a menacing numbness.

             Like a ferocious beast, I was kept chained down, malnourished, and beaten to the brink of death for years. Once a upon a time I was a happy little girl with a happy little family. But things changed and I found myself weeping to sleep every night; dreading the moment I'd have to wake up and face him. But that's the thing, my story didn't start with a once a upon a time or end with a happily ever after. This was no fairytale, it was a living nightmare.

             From the moment I was thrown in here, I've been trying to find a way out. It took me eight years to memorize his habits, crack the codes at every corner, and be able to keep a facade while doing all of this. He never suspected any signs of my escaping, I'm quite the actress. To them I was being a "good girl", obeying every command but little did they know. . .

             I'd instilled the map of the whole underground bunker in my head. I knew this place from left to right, front to back. I even knew that if you punched the code in the padlock incorrect three times, the whole place would go boom in a matter minutes. When you learn something like that the hard way, you make sure the next time you punch in a right code.

             A click rung heavy in my ears and a shallow whimper followed after. It was me that whimpered. An invisible weight suddenly rose from my shoulders no longer compressing me with fear. I knew the code like the back of my hand but hearing the door shift open into place indicated that this was real. I was going to be free.

             For so long, I've wanted to know what was behind that big silver door. The anticipation ate away at me like a crow feeding on a decomposing organism. In a way I was decomposing but that sudden click brought me back to life. It felt real good.

             I outran and blocked all the bullets suddenly firing at me. It wasn't a surprise. Precaution and security was taken to another level. But I was the prized possession; a doll that could be used whenever he wanted. I never retaliated, I was loyal and obedient like a good little dog.

             Not anymore. I refuse to play the victim anymore.

             Another door came and another after that. The piercing sound of the alarms faded as I passed through a third door. It was like a maze, you just had to know which way to go.

             I knew exactly where I was. The exit was right in front of me. A rusty old ladder leading up to a latch. This seemed far from reality and edged towards fantasy. What was on the other side? I didn't know nor did I care because...

             I was free. Finally.


You guys are probably like, "Dafaq... who this bitch think she is, taking the longest to update and when she finally does she comes up with this small ass chapter?"





Yeah that's right, scroll up for chapter one👇🏾

You're welcome😍😍

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