Fool Me One Time Shame You

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The wind was like a repeating smack in the face as I accelerated through the highway lanes. The scenery around me became just a jumble of bright lights. When you led a life like mine, you learned to shut things out easily. The angry horns, the flashing headlights, and the cursing. It wasn't important. What was important was eliminating the threat that tormented my city. That was my job even if I was one of the few who saw it that way.

             The media publicized me as anything but a hero. A cruel man who plunged arrows into those who had no business lying in a coffin for the rest of their days. These men didn't  play by the rules and the only effective way to wipe them out was to do the same. Such a concept was the exact reason why the police force would never be successful in catching these criminals in disguise. I was making a difference this city hadn't seen in years and I intended on continuing to do  so.

My motorcycle revved, howling relentlessly under the translucent limelight. Its amazing horsepower sent vibrations throughout the whole vehicle. The engine was custom made to fit my standards which were unbelievably high - or so Felicity said.

             Five years ago, if you told me I'd be dressed up in a costume chasing bad-guys as my night job, I most likely would've laughed in your face. But here I was, doing the unprecedented. The city was corrupt, our leaders were corrupt. And it was my job to do right by their wrongs and bring justice to this city.

We had a mild lead on a suspect we'd put a tracking device on his vehicle to lead us to the main leaders. His name (Mr. Unknown) was etched into my father's book and ironically, we haven't been able to put a face to the name. All we knew was that he was part of a separate branch of a criminal organization that even most of the government didn't know about. From the information we collected at A. R. G. U. S. the group was run by a handful of scientists who had been running experiments on the low. These people were ghosts and now they were haunting my city.

             They were responsible for twenty-six kidnappings already and that was just in Starling City. According to a few witnesses, they used food trucks as a front to transport their victims to unknown locations. We tried busting into the store where the trucks belonged to, but it was dead end.

             There was something about this that gave me an ominous feeling. No one knew how they operated, yet they've broken laws as easily as they breathed. No doubt this group was dangerous. It was my duty to get them. They had to be shut down. Most of their work was currently undiscovered but I knew enough to determine they were a threat to my city. It was time the innocent stopped suffering at the hands of the guilty.

            "Felicity." I could almost taste the irritation on my tongue. "I don't have eyes on him anymore."

For a moment, the only thing I heard was the clacking of Felicity's fingertips against the keyboard. Despite the fact that I never showed it, it was music to my ears. The work she did surpassed amazing. I couldn't imagine taking the wrongdoers down without her brilliance in computers. She was an aspect in my little crusade that was more than necessary.

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