Her panty and Oliver Queen

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Faster. Harder. Deeper.

Each quick exhale matched the erratic beats of my swollen heart. A collection of sweat trickled down the tail of my neck as my legs thrashed against the rough pavement.

I didn't mind the simultaneous pain blossoming from my two bare feet. Only God knew what kind of litter was scattered across the sidewalks. I lost my slippers along the way, running in them wouldn't get me anywhere. And I had to get there...to him.

"Hey, watch it!"

I waved apologetically towards the stranger behind me. "Sorry!"

Ripples of loud laughter and aimless chatter filled my ears. Taxis and cars, rushing hurriedly to reach a destination. But I was sprinting so quickly that it was all just a blurry haze. It was my blurry haze, but to everyone else I was just another crazy woman. There is so much the human eye can see, we just choose not to focus on what's important.

On what matters.

Right now, catching up to the man ahead of me was important. He'd be ogling me, following me, studying me for the past few weeks. He was there when Felicity and I had brunch at big belly burger, he was there when I was doing a night shift at the hospital, and he was at my house. My home at the moment. I didn't know him, just like I didn't know his purpose. But what I did know was that he was a ghost from my past coming back to haunt me.

Faster. Deeper. Harder.

I continued past a few dead alleys and towards an open road. He was quick but I was faster and that's what scared him. The stench of fear could be smelt from miles away. Maybe it was my own. Did he really think I wouldn't catch on?

I drew a breath, the cold air making it spiral like cigarette fumes fading into existence. A series of fruits and vegetables rumbled down a merchants cart. The mysterious mans' thick physique had slammed into the merchant and his herd of goods. A sequence of curse words and insults followed after that.

My cheeks rose up as the smirk fattened my slim face. I had him just where I wanted him; stumbling and rushing to continue running. Motivated, I impelled the fatigue out of my legs and pushed further. Of course, I had to somehow avoid the flock of oranges and apples but that didn't stop me.

He took two sharp rights and headed forward. Was he trying to tire me out? I found myself sprinting through an endless graze of dry, cold grass; the destination unknown. It was rough, glazed with frost from the cold air. My feet were numbing up.

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