A reason to enter

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You and Yugi were watching joey making a fuss about the luxury cruiser and he was being held down by security.

???: Huh, hey aren't you that kid Yugi?!

You and Yugi turned around and saw rex and weevil.

Yugi: yeah and your-

Joey: Weevil and rex the dino duelist!

Rex: your wasting your time with those guys the private rooms only go to the finalist from the last championship like us.

Y/n: Huh now that's informative.

Rex: Well, well, well. looks like mister rusty is back again.

Y/n: Hello rex how did the finals go?

Rex: W-Well i-

Weevil: He was utterly destroyed by my insects.

Rex: Shut up, only because I went easy on him that time.

Y/n: Or you got utterly destroyed by his trap and magic card.

Rex: Hey I did not!

You can see weevil smiling at rex being furious.

Joey: Yeah well this time Yugi, my bro and I are gonna take the tournament, right Yugi?

Weevil:to tell you the truth winning the last championship didn't feel like that much of an achievement I guess I can't really call myself the champion until I defeat the duelist who defeated kaiba. But I'm sure I'll end up battling you in the big tournament Yugi frankly I look forward to it.

Yugi: I look forward to it to.

Rex: I'm looking forward to some dino demolition.

Weevil: let me tell you a little secret it's something that none of the other players know about the games yet.

Yugi: Oh but isn't that cheating?

Weevil: the other duelist will find out soon enough but there are new rules on the island that requires more strategy.

Rex: Eh rule are for wimps in dueling you either smash your opponents or get smashed yourself, it's one or the other.

Joey: Strength is good but you also need to combine them with other types of cards.

Rex: Who ask you?

Y/n: A wise duelist.

Rex: Shut it wheeler or do you want a repeat of last time?

Y/n: says the kid that lost to weevil and his strategies.

Rex: Grrr, just stay out of my way or I'll stomp you like everyone else.

Rex left in a fit of rage while joey looked annoyed.

Joey: we'll see who stomps who when we get to the island?

Weevil: Ignore him let scoop u the competition.

Joey: What do you mean?

Weevil: Check out those chumps. 

You, Yugi and Joey looked behind and saw a lot of duelist trading their cards.

Weevil: They're already trading over there, players here are swapping cards and strengthening their decks getting ready for the big tournament it's also a good chance to get a feel for your opponents cards.

Y/n: Their trading to gain power yet they'll lose something as well it's kind of risky but if it's helping you gain power then you must be really desperate to win or get stronger.

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