Take me like your Starbucks order

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Albus felt as if the sky weighed upon him with the force of the Slytherin's preposterous bitchin'. He was in love with his students and he knew Minerva would happily take over his job as their caretaker anyday... But he just couldn't let them go, not while Voldemort was still out there. He loved his little troublemaker, Harry Potter, and he wouldn't have even dreamt of letting him alone in that unsure, cruel world. After his first years at Hogwarts, he might have tried to let the young Potter fight his demons alone but right now he knew Harry needed him.
But even one of the greatest wizards of his time wished that even for one mere second, he were free of his excruciatingly tiring duties.
He had once fantasized as a young and wild promising man , that he'd live as the pompous, outrageously sassy normal wizard he deserved to live as. All his desires were now pebbles thrown at his heels by the students of his academy, he knew not to foolishly wish the past to be reborn. Still, his silly heart couldn't stop thinking about his once lost freedom. As he passed the changing corridors of his home he let a low sigh escape his pinkish ripe lips.

Moscow, 13 pm

"Sir, we need you here. You can not simply leave! The decisions implemented by us are frowned with utmost vigor by the UN... You need to make a public appearance to at least tone this disaster down... Mister President!" but as the desperate young counselor tried to catch up to one of the most controversial politicians of the world, Vladimir Putin simply smirked and left, striding confidently in the direction of his black Mercedes-Benz S 600 Guard Pullman.
"Let them complain. I am not a fucking toddler to be moralized for my decisions, they will never have power in Russia, not as long as I will be the power."
Vladimir looked one tedious longer moment at his sweating counselor and sighed with disgust with his clear disapprovement. As the car engine let a low roar, Vladimir smirked seductively at the green eyed counselor, making the youngster's cheeks turn a shade rosier.
"Remember Ivan, here in Russia we never apologize ", Vladimir told his driver to go and then quietly leaned back on the soft, silky leather surface of the backseat. Once alone his thoughts began to waver in a chaotic, turbulent fashion. His blue deep eyes caught the glimpse of the shadowed grey sky as if trying to see beyond it, to catch it in his grip and never let go.
"I need some motherfucking Vodka. Make sure I'll have plenty of it back at my quarters, also call Medvedev in. We have some matters to discuss." , whilst giving his orders, Vladimir roughly untied his tie and lit one of cigars, looking effortlessly demanding and distant.


London, the next day at 18 pm

Dumbledore felt stupid. His bushy snow like brows were tensed in frustration and anxiety. He shouldn't have been here, this was not the right time for him to relax, so many young students in search for guidance, so many problems to be solved, too many unslept nights before him let his consciousness dry of any self love. He was ashamed really, he had felt this fiery freedom and he was ashamed of it.
"Go, Albus. We all know how much you mean to the children. But we also know that despite your riddles and little games there lies extenuation and guilt. You can not undo the past but you can rebuild the future.", Minerva spoke slowly in her usual teacher-like tone. She pitied him, of that he was sure but, he also knew deep down, that it was as if he had spoken out of her mouth. "Take this week off, the new year has just begun and the children are already adjusting so quickly. I couldn't be prouder of my Gryffindors, especially the golden unexpected trio. They are in good hands. You have to let Harry grow... But if you wish to see him do that, you have to take care of yourself."
Minerva's haunted gaze had then struck him as odd and hesitant and only now in front of Big Ben had he understood it, she was afraid. They all were at that time. The uncertainty, the waiting, it seemed as if the Dark Lord was there all the time. It must've been the paranoia but Albus knew he should trust his instincts.
"But first maybe some tea could make me remember how to shake this nervousness off '', he said as he walked shyly wearing his Muggle clothes towards the nearest chic bougie Bistro. His red, satin Prada bag was the one thing he thought off as redeeming in that cloudy afternoon.

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