I need you

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Ritz Hotel 3 am

Putin looked out the window of his royal sweet. The black ink like sky, reminded him of his youth, his striving fierce KGB days, when his only wishes were a good pistol in his pocket, enough vodka to die with and beautiful men and women to fuck everyday. He was so naïve, so compliant and oh, too easy to observe, but after years of governing a state as powerful as any other power in the world, he had learned to master his ruthlesness. His calm demeanour striked fear in his political opponents and made every man shiver in front of him. With a hand of steel and a dick to rival any supreme world leader he had propelled his power way beyond imagination.
Today he had been a miserable, shy school boy. He hated himself. After he had revised each and every mistake he had made in that treacherous afternoon countless times, he asked for Ivanchenkov.
"Do you remember that weird old looking man I saw in that bistro? Find him. Tell him my exact address, if he says he'll come, let him come by himself, if he refuses, tell him I need him urgently." Vladimir had lost his uncertain manners and air. He had followed suit on the mantra that had kept him sane and safe all these years.
Never trust those around you. You are your only opponent. Never oblige. Be merciless.
The words of his father ringed in his ears, "Vladimiriko, you will have to cheat and lie and suffer, but in the end you will find your peace."
His father had been a pussy. He didn't want peace. He wanted raw, incredulous power. He wanted the world and he wanted Albus Dumbledore on his knees.

A lousy motel in the suburbs, 3 am

Dumbledore heard a knocking on his door. His magic wand was pulled out of his pants, shining in a darkened and ethereal way. He didn't expect any Muggles that night. It must've been He Who Must Not Be Named. The children were perhaps in mortal danger and he was fretting with lust over a Russian Muggle. He was so ashamed and disheveled. He rushed to the door and opened it wide open, only to see the bodyguard of Vladimir Putin in front of him. There was no more boyish chivalry in his tone, only a slight Russian tilt to the consonants that made Dumbledore's skin shiver.
"He'll see you now. He is patiently and eagerly waiting. Don't let him alone tonight."
Ivanchenkov said his regular speech. No matter the age, gender or sexual orientation, the moment a person heard those words coming indirectly from Vladimir Putin, a curiosity so intense made all of them want to fly to where his boss waited. This old man... Not so much.
"Tell your president to suck my ass! Just beacause he has power in his world doesn't mean he has the right to tell me what to fucking do!" Dumbledore's barital voice cut the air in half with a force reminiscent of his most powerful witchcraft days. His stress, worries and overall fears poured out of him and made him lose control. He rarely lost control. He never lost control in front of a Muggle.
"This is his address. After you have memorized it, burn it."
"Oh, really well isn't that fucking melodramatic!" Dumbledore felt the urge to cast a spell to change that stupid Muggle lowlife soldier in the nothing he had ought to be. The words of the spell hung on his tongue, weighing him down, pinning him to his rage. The wizard world was in utmost danger and during his holiday, a bunch of Russian bitches were interested in some chit chater. He felt exhausted.
Ivanchenkov shrugged and walked away to the black Lexus standing in the driveway of the motel. The car drove off and Dumbledore remained in the doorway where he read the address. He read it again. And again.
"Incendio." the yellowish piece of paper burst into red sparks and burned to a crisp. The possibility of someone seeing him use magic was so small and insignificant, he barely paid atention to it. There still was a chance he could've been seen. The fact that he did it nonetheless, showed he was losing his mind. Dumbledore went back inside and closed the door charming it with Colloportus.
No muggle would bother him that night anymore. He took his wand from the small white lined bed and whispered softly "I will fail. I failed at saving that little boy back then. I failed at saving Lily and James. I will lose Harry too. I will lose them all."
Dumbledore, the mightiest wizard of his age burst into tears and sobbed incontrollably. He felt like dying. His destiny was long before his birth decided. He was powerless.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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