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The password is hidden in the rules! You must DM this to me before making a form. And no, it is not Undertale or any of its AUs. Don't try it.

Now, with that minor importance out of the way, onto the rules.

First off, no smut. This is non-negotiable. If you try to break this rule, you are out. I will not make exceptions. Breaking this rule will result in being blocked and (if applicable) reported.

Other heavy subjects, such as angst and gore, however, are allowed.

Second, this is a descriptive roleplay. The bare minimum I will tolerate is a single paragraph, or five lines. However I highly advise doing more than that, as plots run far smoother and lead to more engaging stories I am more inclined to respond to.

It is expected that you can understand proper grammar, at least to a very simple extent. Which means proper use of commas, capital letters, and periods. This is less important, but still greatly appreciated.

Script roleplaying (example: Character: *does action* this is how I talk!) is not allowed. Write it as you would a book (example: Character does an action, then remarks, "This is how I talk!").

Third, I will reject a character, or a plot, if I must. However I don't like doing this, and will only do so if it is absolutely impossible to negotiate a compromise. This is rare, but I bring attention to it regardless so you understand what you are getting into.

Along with this, no overpowered characters. This is an automatic reject. Mary/Gary Sues are also placed in this category.

Don't control characters you are not playing. This is a massive pet peeve of mine, and will generally ruin a roleplay anyways. I will not respond if you do this.

When it comes to tagging, no more than once a day. Believe it or not, I have a life too and cannot sustain myself online every second of my existence.

When it comes to my own tagging schedule, it goes as follows for a lack of response: Once a day > Twice a week > Once a week > Once a month > Abandoned. Once a roleplay has been abandoned, it is then your responsibility to tag me if you regain interest.

If you wish to end a roleplay, directly tell me.

And finally, some more general roleplay expectations.

If your character has a romantic interest, I will roleplay them if you roleplay one for my character. Note that a lack of effort on your end will result in a lack of effort on mine.

Don't hate the person, hate the character. If you have a problem with me or anyone else, just leave. I will not tolerate bullying or trolling.

Plots would preferably have equal effort put in for both sides.

Communication is key. If you don't like the direction the roleplay is going? Tell me. If you want to stop? Tell me. If you have an idea? Tell me. I won't know if there's something wrong, unless you let me know. Though it is placed in a less important section, I want it to be perfectly clear that this is still an incredibly important rule.

DM me the password before starting a form!

The password is all underlined characters, and it is case sensitive! (So if I wrote something like tHiS, it would have to be put in that exact way to be accepted).

Descriptive Undertale Roleplay (Open)Where stories live. Discover now