A World Between Worlds

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What if, all of a sudden, you just ceased to exist? No one remembered you and never would again. Erased beyond the point of coming back, because there was nothing there to begin with. No one bothering to try and find you.

...And what if you just so happened to still be there? Hidden in a place no one could find you?

What if there was a place that was never supposed to exist? That still shouldn't exist, but does so anyways?

Well, since that's the case, welcome to hell.


(Name) wakes up in a quiet, gray room. They are completely and utterly alone.
When they finally rise, it is with difficulty and no end to the slight pains that irked them. Further examination of their area would prove no chance of a way out. At least, not an easy one, anyways. Testing the door on the opposite side of the room proved to be a fruitless effort.
(Name) has no idea how they wound up here, and are left to simply wait in hopes of being let out of this unchanging prison.
While they are doing this, a voice resounds from the other side of the wall.


Note: the one on the other side may be anyone you'd like.

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