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Name: Flora Marwood

Nicknames(s): Flo, flower

Age: Somewhere halfway through her second century of being alive. She is biologically 21.

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Panromantic

Species: Shapeshifter

Description: Varies due to her species, though her preferred appearance is human so she can fit in better. She has long, straight black hair and lightly tanned skin. Her eyes are an aquatic green, though one looks a little paler than the other.

No matter what the weather dictates, she wears a dark green hoodie- if absolutely necessary, she'll switch it out for a dark gray coat. In warmer weather, she'll just tie it around her waist. Underneath the hoodie is a black t-shirt. She will wear gray or black leggings in warm weather, with similarly colored sweatpants in cold weather.

A snake tattoo wraps around her right arm, rarely shifting color if she wants it to.

Crossing over her right eye is a jagged scar. It has a light, bubbled pattern, as if caused by acid.

Covering a good portion of her chest is a scar caused from a slashing weapon. It glitches on occasion, often resulting in minor bleeding. The wound does not appear to have healed as it should have, not even a real scar. Moreso, her body can't quite agree on whether she is meant to have it or not.

Curled around her left ear is a tattoo of a small, four-winged dragon

In Underfell or other areas where she feels comfortable with it (or for her survival), she has large draconic wings (spanning up to 24 feet) and a tail with sharp spines. Both fade from dark blue to purple. Small horns peak out of her hair, navy in color

Personality: Closed off at first, Flora is an individual who has learned from a multitude of mistakes and losses that sometimes, relationships just really aren't worth the effort. Perhaps due to her time in Underfell, perhaps not, she is rather irritable and blunt to strangers. Few have managed to crack down her walls, and even fewer hold a special enough place in her heart for her to be kind to them.

Technically, not much is different in the AU she chooses to reside in. She's nowhere near a nice person- but this is Underfell, so what did you expect? If it were sunshine and flowers, you came to the wrong place. And she is more than happy to make you aware of it.

Hit the right buttons, and there's a chance she opens up to you. But it's equally likely for her to pick a fight, and remind you just why she managed to survive in this violent universe for so long despite her fragile demeanor.

She likes to make nagging, rude jokes to try and pick fights in Underfell. She manages to keep up a laid-back attitude, very rarely growing serious unless she genuinely senses danger towards her or what little she cares for.

To those she cares for, she is devoted and protective. She is very careful to keep those bonds, regardless of risk to her own wellbeing.

AU: Origin universe destroyed, lives in Underfell.

LV: 11

HP: 857

ATT: 27

DEF: 5

Soul Type: LOVE

Soul Appearance: Upside-down, white heart with a rainbow tint. There is a small piece missing near the tip, with even smaller fragments floating near it. It glitches often.

Abilities: She can shapeshift thanks to the instability of her cells, as well as regenerate quickly. Restoring limbs, however, can take a few days under normal circumstances.

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