High school AU💝

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Michael was sitting in class and appeared to be paying close attention when, in actuality he couldn't focus at all. He was very distracted with thoughts of his crush, Noah Carter, the hottest guy in school, known for turning down anyone who tried to confess their love for him, which is why he hasn't told Noah. Michael was distracted because he had gone to the restroom ten minutes ago and still hadn't come back so he asked "Ms. Clover?" "Yes Michael?" "May I use the restroom?" "Go ahead, just try to be back quickly." Michael nodded and left

When he got to the restroom he walked in and closed the door he called "Noah?" To see if he was there, "Hello Michael~." A voice he recognized as Noah said in a way that sent chills down his spine. "H-hi Noah." He said shyly "What are you doing here, praytell?" "I-i come to check on you." Michael turned to see Noah leaning against the wall beside the door "Aw, how sweet, were you worried?"

Michael didn't respond Noah stuck out his hand and motioned for Michael to come over and Michael did so. Once he was within arms reach Noah pulled Michael flush against his chest making Michael blush "You're cute when you blush, did you know that?" Michael didn't have a chance to respond however because almost immediately he felt lips on his, Noah was kissing him!

Michael instantly kissed back, Noah smirked into the kiss and squeezed Michaels ass making Michael moan a little bit and Noah took advantage of that and plunged his tongue into Michaels mouth making Michael moan again. Michael wrapped his arms around Noahs neck and brought him closer, they made out for a few minutes before having to come up for air

Noah then said "Meet me in the boys locker room after school, I have a surprise for you." Michael could only nod. After Noah left Michael slumped against the wall and slid to the floor and thought about what just happened 'ok soo one: my crush just kissed me. Two: he told me to meet him after school, and Three: I think he wants to fuck me. That's a lot to take in"

Michael had known for awhile that he was a hermaphrodite, that basically meant he could get pregnant, it was rare but not impossible. He decided to go back to class and when he sat back down he could feel someone staring at him so he turned around at saw Noah checking out his ass and he blushed and Noah just winked, he couldn't wait for school to end~
--------------- End of chapter---------------
I finally got this out! I've been having a bad case of zero motivation 😞 but, I did it I wrote this and there will be part to with de smut 😊 I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day, night, afternoon wherever you are buh-bye - Unicorn

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