Chapter 3

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Celia's face hovered close enough to Jungkook's chest to be able to feel the warmth emanating from him. Her eyes were carefully focused on her work. She calculated that she had another two hours until she would be finished. This tattoo was a marathon, but she was happy to do it for the man she had admired for years.

Just then, Jungkook's stomach let out a loud growl. Celia looked up from her work and accidently caught Jungkook's eyes. He reddened deeply.

"Sorry about that. I didn't have lunch today," he explained.

"What?!" Celia exclaimed. "You must be starving. Let's take a break and order something," she suggested.

"Okay," Jungkook concurred, pulling himself up slightly in the red leather chair.

"What do you like? Do you want Korean food? American? Italian?" she asked.

"I like anything with bread in it," Jungkook replied. "I know all those carbs aren't good for you, but I don't have to keep myself quite as fit as I used to when I was an idol."

Celia thought he looked pretty darn fit from what she could see as he lay there shirtless, but she kept her thoughts to herself.

"It's funny that you like bread so much because I am, in fact, quite the connoisseur of bread myself," laughed Celia. "I'm telling you; you have not lived until you've tried all the varieties of Mexican bread. I remember when I was young, we would go visit my grandparents in Mexico. Every time the bread truck would go by, blaring its song, my sister and I would run out into the street to catch the bread guy before he moved on. We would buy bags and bags of bread, and my grandma would tease us about having bought that much." Celia's eyes glistened slightly as she remembered the sweetness of the bread on her tongue.

"Oh, so you're Mexican," said Jungkook. "I didn't know if it would be rude to ask."

"It's fine," Celia replied. "I'm an American of Mexican and German heritage."

"Mm, Mexican and German," Jungkook remarked. "That's an interesting combination. I guess, in Korea, there's not as much diversity as in the States. Most people here are of just one ethnicity. It must be kind of cool to have more than one background," he commented.

"I mean, yeah, it's neat to have more than one way to see the world, but it's a little confusing too," said Celia, as she wiped his chest with a moist towelette. "Sometimes I felt like I had to choose one heritage or the other because people always want to put labels on you. I really don't like that. I think we have to get out of that habit of wanting to categorize everyone because the world is a lot more diverse than it used to be, and people don't fit neatly into our narrow categories."

"That's a really good perspective. I really like talking to you. You seem so knowledgeable about so many things," marveled Jungkook.

"Well, that's what going to college does for a person," she joked. "It turns out, I'm not using my degree the way I thought I would be, but just the fact of having gone to college, makes me more able to talk about a variety of issues."

Jungkook looked away for a moment. "I didn't get to go to college because I got into BTS before I even graduated from high school. Then I went to the military. So, I never got that chance to do the college thing."

"Well, it's never too late," Celia responded with a smile.

"Yeah, but I hate studying. So, it's probably for the best that I didn't go after all," he concluded.

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