Pistachio Cake

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She had finished talking with Tamlin an hour ago. He supported her decision in staying and was happy that she would visit every two weeks.

After talking with her father, she went on a short walk around Velaris before heading to Azriel's— their apartment. She no longer felt a big weight or fear being in public, but she still kept to smaller streets that weren't that filled with people.

As she walked around she thought over the events of last night and her talk with the Shadowsinger in the morning. He was truly understanding and Gwyn didn't know what she did to deserve him. He was the perfect mate and she was utterly lucky to have him.

She knew that one day, when she was ready, she would accept the bond...

Taking her away from her thoughts, she heard a flapping of wings above her. She knew it wasn't her mate, since she would have felt him, so she guessed it was either Cassian or Rhysand.

She turned around, facing the booming wings,
to find the High Lord of the Night Court landing on the stone walkway.

As he landed, he tucked in his wings and gave Gwyn an unrestrained smile, his deep violet eyes sparking.

"Hello Gwyneth," he said smoothly, even not in a High Lord meeting, his voice sounded that of smooth silk.

"Hello Rhysand," she smiled back.

"Mind going for a walk together," he pointed to the street in front of them and she nodded.

They fell into pace waking together, silent for a few minutes, until they reached a small bakery that she must have missed walking around with Azriel last night.

"This is one of my favorite sweets," Rhysand commented as he opened the door for her.

Gwyn entered and was met with the aromas of chocolate, cinnamon, and the smell of a nutty smoky, herb. She couldn't point out the smell, but it was very very appealing.

Rhysand must have noticed her taking in a deep breath, as he chuckled. "Coffee, is what you are smelling. Rare thing it is. Some people drink for the taste in itself, others drink it to have more energy. These days with Nyx, I find myself doing the latter."

"I would love to try it, is there any special way to have it?"

"There are many different styles, but I'll get you what I think you'll like."

"Thank you," she said.

She went to find a table outside the bakery as Rhysand waited for the drinks. For a High Lord, he was very immersed with his people. Everyone smiled at him, treated him with respect and he didn't expect them to bow at his feet upon meeting them. Gwyn would take out a few pages from his book when her time came.

Hopefully it didn't come too soon.. like in a couple hundred years.

Rhysand came out with two mugs and two plates. As he set everything down on the table, she beamed at what she found in one of the plates. Pistachio cake.

"How did you know?" Pistachio cake was her favorite sweet—food in the entire realm. It also happened to be her mothers favorite too.

"I asked Nesta," he shrugged.

The mugs were filled with a dark liquid topped with frothy milk. As she looked closer, there was a small design of the three sacred mountains on it.

"This all looks so good," she commented. The pistachio cake was one of the best ones she has ever seen. It made her mouth water.

"Dig in." Gwyn didn't need anymore encouragement. She grabbed her fork and placed a piece of cake into her mouth; the flavors blended perfectly in her mouth and she bit back a groan.

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