Chapter 5

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Elena walked into the house and seen Damon sitting on the couch. She was happy that he was still up there was somethings that she needed to tell him. For him to understand what was going on and what she was about to say was not going to be easy to understand. But she hoped that he did get it and still wanted to be with her."Hi." He looked up at her. She could see the confusion in his face and knew that there was a lot that she was going to have to explain for him to get what she was saying."Are they sleep."

He nodded slight he was confused he didn't get what was going on as long as he had known her she had been Elena Gilbert. But now it turned out she was a Mikaelson the daughter of Klaus and Katherine so much wasn't adding up."Whats going on Elena?"

She understood that this was hard for him. It was a complicated story and no one truly knew who she was."I'm Klaus and Katherine's daughter i woke up in a world that i barley understood and i didn't know what was going on. I just knew i didn't want to lose you or them or the baby. It was a split second decision that i had to make."

"How old are you Elena?" He had a lot of questions his life was turning upside down and they had three kids and a baby on the way."Whats your real name."

She took a breath he deserved to know if he was going to trust her."Elena Elizabeth Maria Katerina Mikaelson- Salvatore. It depends on whos saying it what name i'm called. And i'm 19 years shy of my mother I'll tell you everything i promise but i need you to know that the Elena you knew i haven't been that girl since i was cursed 500 years ago. I'm very dangerous to be around and loving me comes  with a lot of enemies." She sat next to him this wasn't something she could stand for she had to be able to get him to understand her past and her family and that wasn't an easy thing to do."Before the full moon where he was supposed to sacrafice my mother it came to be she was pregnant. And that i would be more powerful then my father and have my wolf side unlocked. The first year of my life i didn't know my mother until her and my uncle found me at my first birthday. It was off and on for years sometimes they were great parents or at least she was. He always tried though. When i was 17 my uncle Kol wanted to take me to eurpope with him." Looking back she had wished that she had decided to go to Europe it would have been the best option at the time. But no she had decided to stay with her father."Everyone had seperated he was going to take me to learn new magic. My mom wanted me to go she trusted him more than my dad. But i didn't i didn't want my dad to be alone. He had angererd the Gemini Coven one to many times. And they took it out on me. I die i get reborn i come back maybe a year and go back if they can't get me back during that year its over. 50 years ago in my last life before Elena Gilbert i was so close to finding them they have to reup the curse newer generations to make sure i don't get more of my years. And Kai and Jo did that they through me off the trace and i died not long after and was reborn as Elena Gilbert." Maybe being reborn as Elena Gilbert had been for the best."I am always reborn as a doppelganger my dad knew it was me when he sacraficed me and i know why he did it. The hope was with it being a full moon and the power they were channeling it would bring his wolf side out and mine bring me back. It didn't work. Katherine may have been an evil bitch but everything that she did she had one thing in mind bringing me back. So did Elijah Kol even Rebekah. I won't pretend that i am that girl that you knew i won't do it i have lost families because of my family." She took a breath this was also not easy to talk about."I've been a mother and lost everything because of that stupid curse. Tomorrow they are going to change they will be stronger there's a great chance Stefanie inherited my magic. If you have more questions now is the time to ask."

"You had other families." Damon asked he was curious how many lives had she had.

She nodded her others lives were nothing compared to this one though this was the one that she couldn't lose the most."Most died i was usually pregnant coming back sucked i would lose the baby when i died there was one time i had already had a son Noah but i don't know what happened to him. He was a one night stand baby when i was Elena Robinson before i became Elena Gilbert i lived in New York he was three."

"What happened to him?" Damon knew how he would feel if anything happened to her Stefanie Jenna or Grayson were hurt he could only imagine what what she felt everytime she lost a kid or not knowing what happened to her son.

Elena shrugged she was used to the pain she wished that she did know what happened to him but she didn't."Don't know."  She took a breath she wished that she did know whether he got a good life or not but she didn't."I want to turn you again "

"I took the cure Elena." He didn't think it was possible for him to turn again but anything was possible. Especially in Mystic Falls.

She smiled lightly she knew how to get the cure gone and to return him but it was gonna hurt."And i know how to by past the cure i can do it. I want this to be my forever i want you to get to know the real me i'm not like my mother but my attitude is way sharper then the girl you knew." She had her mothers attitude and her fathers temper. She was way more explosive then the Elena that he had known. She knew how much he missed being a vampire and she wanted them to have their forever but he couldn't be human for that."I know you miss being a vampire"

"Ok." He nodded he did miss being a vampire but he was ok with being human if it meant that he got to live it with her

"What i am about to do is about to hurt," She took his hand and started siphoning the cure out of him. She heard him groan signaling that it was working she continued siphoning it and released his hand. She bit her wrist and gave it to him. It was now or never after this everything was truly going to change."No sire bond i'm a tribid it only works on witches and wolfs not vampire"



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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