CHAPTER 2: My family

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———Chapter 2

"Hey Pips! Pick up all your trashes and make sure your chairs and tables are a line!" Our president Lilia said,

After the class had ended. Each of us say goodbye to each other. Grace come with me and just say goodbye when we're already at the gate.

"Hana, remember to say my hello to your handsome brothers! Goodbye!"
Grace shouted and run to her service. I wave my hand to her while smiling as soon as the car left. That girl was so simp.

I saw our family's car and greeted Mr Jonathan, our driver. We exchanged a few words and I closed my eyes to sleep. A peaceful silence engulfed my mind.

I woke up by a nudge in my shoulder. I look at Mr. Jonathan and nod at him. I walk outside the car and a big house—no a mansion greeted me. The lights inside were open and the cars of my brothers were park at the corner.

I have two brothers Jason Skyler the eldest, Hanz Skyler the second and me Hana Skyler the youngest. Our parents whose Fin and Kelly Skyler both married after the success of the Skyler Company.

They're the one that managing the company but sometimes the authority was pass down to my eldest and second brother. No one knows the reason why the company still at it's highest point but I know why.

The truth—i found it out when I'm finally decided to gather information about my family after all curiosity is a stressful fella.

A scientist that hail as mad in my past life. It's easy for me to use technology to gather information. Just what I collected, my family company is free from all illegal act and it was pretty normal that it freaks me out. Considering that I have two brothers, one that already finish his school but his the cold and serious type, just look into his eyes and you feel like your being judged, the other one who's nearing to graduation, his the arrogant, sarcastic, blunt guy that needs to use force just to apologize. Seeing the attitude of the omnivores, do you think it's a little bit suspicious.

As I plan to be killed because curiosity can kill you. I stalk them for a good reason, yeah a good reason for being a good sister.

Expectedly the two brothers of mine was both genius and thankfully I consider myself too. Jason or alias Dem Nick—all of his business all over the world was put into this alias. He uses it to cover up his identity. The same for the second one, using the knowledge of the past. I able to track down his existence as a famous hacker and controller of internet.

I can say that both were so good, I know they already know that I'm snooping to their informations. The reason I can get this all freely was because they let me.

What a bummer...

Anyways, i approved to what my brother had done. Standing on to much can be dangerous so it's better to hide. I died because I failed to hide my full identity, so the government found out that I'm planning to create a weapon that uses star energy and as a result they stop me and bombed my whole laboratory.  I don't know why but it happened somehow.

We never really talk about the whole information that I found out but as a sibling it's a thing that make us more closer than before.

The whole family sat down and we eat happily. After the meal, we talked and laughed then grow tired.

I take a shower then slump to my bed. I let a breathe and stare at my ceiling. Not so long my eyelid started to heavy and finally closed my eyes. The night is very peaceful, I wish it never ends.

[A/N: 🤗]

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