The Jacket

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(A/N) Let's just pretend that Catwoman wears an oversized leather jacket in the winter, and that she's a bit more evil.

Catwoman smirked as she watched the clueless heroes frantically search for their missing member. Especially the newest Robin. She purred, satisfaction dripping from the sound. Without turning around, she started to speak.

"The heroes are panicked, little kitty. Soon they will find our hiding place. Let's make sure that they find a corpse shall--"

Catwoman turned around, a triumphant and malicious smile on her face, but it fell into a puzzled expression when her eyes landed on the small girl. The feline thief's delicate eyebrow rose in a questioning manner.

"You're wearing my jacket."

Seeming to be drowning in the fabric with only her face visible, Persephone's expression was trapped somewhere between a frown and a pout. It took all of Catwoman's willpower not to pinch the girl's cheeks.

"Well, if you had kidnapped me in any other season, or if you had found a heated place to imprison me and plan my demise, I would not have had to resort to thievery." Persephone informed the burglar. Catwoman could tell that this really wasn't the girl's field of expertise. She was shivering slightly, her nose was tinged red from the cold, and she was cuddling into her kidnappers jacket like it was a blanket. The girl was also really bad at trying to be tough. Her face was slightly smushed into the jacket, her voice was trembling, and she didn't seem to have a harsh bone in her body. She obviously had not been in this situation before.

Catwoman stood by the monitors, staring at the small being wrapped in her jacket, and contemplated what to do with her. She was conflicted. She kidnapped the girl because she was close to Robin, and she wanted to break the Bats apart. She knew that Red Hood and Robin were the black sheeps of the group, they have both killed before and they would do it again to avenge someone.

She wanted to break those two off first, because they would surely go on a killing spree to find the girl's murderer (by then, she would be long gone with an alibi and a well thought out lie), thus snapping the tenuous wire that connected them to the Bat and throwing the family into disarray, which would allow other villains to prey upon the weaker ones and eventually destroy the family all together.

But looking at the pure girl cuddled tightly into her jacket, with a body much too skinny to be healthy and trauma that even Catwoman could detect with the way she flinched when the thief made a sharp movement, but was fine with the threats and sharp objects being pointed at her, she couldn't bring herself to kill the girl in cold blood.

Catwoman let her eyes wander for a second, drifting around the warehouse that she had brought Persephone to. The graffiti on the walls, the questionable stains on the floor and the remains of crates strewn about the place. Her eyes landed back on the silent superhero. She couldn't see the child's eyes behind the domino mask, but she could almost taste the hopelessness, which was almost worse than the fear that was supposed to be there.

It was almost like the girl was accepting her fate. She was completely convinced that the other heroes wouldn't make it in time to save her. That just about broke Catwoman's heart.

But she had a reputation to uphold.

She sighed dramatically, moving to block Persephone's view of the monitors. She quickly turned the jamming signal off, allowing the computer to be found by Oracle, who was no doubt looking for any leads to the missing girl's whereabouts.

"Alright kid, you've played your part." Catwoman lied, thinking of a plan on the fly. Persephone looked up, shock present on her face, then her face hardened a little, like she forgot that she wasn't supposed to show emotion that could be used against her.

Catwoman just wanted to pick the girl up, wrap her in bubble wrap and make pockets for her suit so that she could protect the girl from any harm. She settled for taking the inhibitor collar off of the girl and picking the lock on the chains, too lazy to try and find the key.

"I just wanted to scare them a bit, darling, make them feel fear for a second." Catwoman explained. "Stay here, they'll come to get you in just a minute."

Persephone nodded, completely believing the lie and forgetting that, just a few minutes ago, this scantily clad woman in front of her was planning to kill her and leave her corpse for her boyfried and his family to find later.

Catwoman smirked, pulling out her whip.

"Keep the jacket, kid."

"But it's yours." Persephone argued back softly, confused.

"Look, you'll probably freeze to death in the ten minutes it takes for the Bat Clan to get from East Gotham to Northwest Gotham if you don't keep the jacket, so you're keeping the jacket."

With one last smirk and a mocking wave, Catwoman flicked her whip and disappeared into the dark of the rafters.

(A/N) Maybe I'll write a chapter in Damian's POV, maybe not.



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