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Very important information ahead. Please read the authors note to the very end!

So I have some really unfortunate news. It would seem that all my stories have been deleted. Any drafts and published chapters of my books are completely gone!

I don't know what happened or why my books are gone, I think I've been hacked but there's also a huge possibility that a glitch happened with the Wattpad system.

I just feel the need to let all my followers know what's going on so your not confused when you see the story is gone.

I put a lot of work into those chapters and I feel like it's all just been snatched from me. I thought about taking a break from writing for a while until I could get this all sorted out but that just doesn't seem fair to you guys.

As of now, I have no way of getting those chapters back and the thought of starting all over is extremely frustrating but if you guys want me to continue the story from where I left off then I would definitely consider doing that.

I had so many news updates and new chapters to share with you all but their all gone now but I won't let that stop me from creating more content for you guys.

Here's a list of options for you all to choose from and which ever gets the most votes is the one I'll create for you guys.

1. A complete book for the Sugawara series

2. A complete book for the Ukai chapter

3. A continuation of the Haikyuu book (please note that this book will have all new chapters and I don't know how to get any of the old ones back, but the writing and writing style for the new chapters will remain the same.)

I also want to ask if anyone knows how to retrieve old published chapters and drafts from deleted stories. I know Wattpad has a policy that says once a story is deleted its gone forever but I did NOT delete my story and if there is any way to get my book back, then someone please let me know.

This is not the update I wanted to give you guys but all my drafts are gone and I feel it's only right to share this information with you.

Unfortunately that's all I have for you but I look forward to seeing what new book you guys choose and hopefully we will get this issue sorted out in the future.

Until next time my loves, bye😔

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