Chapter 1

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The night came when the Warners were all laid in their beds to sleep after the whole 'thing' with Yakko and the Brain.

We all could finally rest, peacefully. Well, almost since I still need to be confirmed if I could be part of the Warners' shows or be in more low-life jobs, still have my own show but of course not being erased. I could tell that it was going to be much harder than before, for anyone to set us all apart. I guess that's how people feel when they could finally, belong somewhere. Right before bed, Yakko sent a letter to the CEO about my 'execution', for them to cancel it because he threatened them, that if they do anything to me and to any of his siblings, they'll get it. I was heart warmed of course, and that made my heart flutter, crushing on him all the more, yet slowly trying not to get, too emotional about it. 

I hesitated because I wanted to ask him something, but decided against it and went to my own chambers, to lay down and sleep, shrugging off of what happened with the knife. Unfortunately, all I could think about was Yakko's hand in my waist that was protecting me from the drunken man and Yakko's hand holding mine protecting me from being taken and erased, that I couldn't sleep. So, I just got a book from the floor and read from it, enjoying the peace and quiet. 

Meanwhile, Yakko, after writing an email, made himself comfortable in his own bed and laid down. Yet, he still couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, that time. When the dagger flashed right before his siblings' and my, eyes that it triggered a distant memory to his head, that he knew his siblings must remember something, at least, because Yakko didn't know anything about it, himself. No matter how hard he tries to shuffle through his memories in his head, he couldn't get anything out of it but only memories a few years back or memories of present time. And one of the present thoughts brought Yakko back to the train. 

It was when they finally settled down after he talked with the conductor of the train, he was shown, personally, to where we all would sleep at. Once inside Yakko sat down and felt a poke in his slacks and didn't realize he carried it with him and just set the disassembled knife in the farthermost drawer, where I slept in. 

'She must have looked through her drawers if it was all empty,' Yakko thought, and twisted and turned, trying to sleep but the memory of the flash was ingrained in his brain. With a deep frustrated sigh, Yakko got up from his bed and walked out of his room and walked to the middle of his water tower, and sat on the couch in the living room, thinking about everything that has happened, but he didn't know, that I heard him walk into the living room, to which I shrugged him off. 

'Why does that knife look familiar?' Yakko thought, "Eh, probably it was some previous jerk that wanted to make fun of me and slid it in there." Yakko told himself, yet he doubted it, or else he could have felt it and saw it. So, why did he feel it before? He didn't know. To distract himself from the bombarding questions in his mind, he took out his phone and surfed the internet randomly. It was only a matter of minutes that he started to become sleepy and tired, that the phone fell smack onto his black furry chest. He was so tired that he didn't feel the pain. As soon as he closed his eyes and dozed off, started snoring so loud that, even I was about to fall asleep, his snoring started me awake all over again, making me fall over and hit my bottom, to the floor.   

"What, a loud sleeper..." I muttered to myself, while I was in the process of standing myself upright. I walked over to the door trying to close it, but the sound penetrated through the thin wooden door and walls, that I was surprised that his siblings didn't stir awake at this sound. I put my paws up to my ears, to block the noise, but he didn't seem to quiet down. So, I made up my mind to just sleep it off and endure the dreading noise that punctured the beauty of silence. I was about to walk over to my bed, to lift the sheets and insert myself in, until I paused and stood in place, when I heard sobbing, coming from outside. I rushed towards the door and opened it when I heard Yakko's voice mumbling something. Saying that "There are too many of them!" or "Red, no it's not me! I'm telling you the truth!" My eyebrows frowned at this and his call for help through his dreams, made me want to walk over and end this nightmare of his. So, I walked over to him and started trying to shake him awake.

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