Chapter 14

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"Red! Red, wake up!" A familiar woman's voice called out to me in a worrying tone. I stirred and knew that voice but she still didn't appear in front of me just yet. Maybe she needed to test me?

"W-What happened?"

"The danger is already here!" She said in a hurry. 


"They are right before your eyes, sweetie," She told me calmly as I felt a hand stroking my head like a mother to her daughter.


"Tell much do you love Yakko?" She asked. But something in her voice told me that she was very worried about something, but what?

"Very much," I blurted out with a blush. Why did I confess my feelings in a vision or something? I must be stupid! Wait, but she helped warn about the danger so I must listen. And her voice then changed into a happier tone.

"That's all I needed to hear...use that to your advantage. Know the very person you really love, Red. His personality and how he is with safe," She said then everything faded to black.  

How many hours or days I have been closing my eyes for? I don't know. But I do know I was sucked into a gigantic hole without a heads-up. I coughed harshly as soon as I sat back up from the fall, but then I sneezed and when I did I saw dust floating off of me. I looked around me but it was great darkness. Then something clicked in me. What was that dream about? Danger? The danger is right in front of me? How much do I love Yakko? I must know him, deeply? What do those mean? Are they cryptic? I heard her voice, again? Donna, who are you?

I looked around again, as I stood up from my spot and felt around my environment being careful not to bang my head into a rock or something. Once I felt better standing up, I called out to Yakko or anyone really. 

"Yakko! Dot! Minerva! Wakko?!" I shouted their names again and again but to no avail. Is this what it feels like to be, really alone? What I if they left me?

"Guys?!" But no one answered but it was just my own voice echoing that bounced around the cave walls, bringing the voice back to me, I cried loudly this time and shouted, "Somebody, talk to me! I-I-"

"Oh, Red! Thank goodness you're okay!" A familiar voice responded, but my gut told me otherwise.

"Y-Yakko? Is that you?"

Then a flashback of what happened in my dream came rushing in as if to inform me, but I still needed to put the pieces together.

"They are right before your eyes." Donna said.

I remembered Yakko's question back at the plane, "What would you do if you met my evil self?"

Then I answered, "I would ask him the most hardest questions!"

The most hardest question? What would that be? I asked myself thinking of things that could be the best question.

"What'dya say! Let's ditch this dark hole and look for a lit room. I found a room where we can actually see each other, if you catch my drift~" Yakko's voice sounded the same but there was an added spice. Seduction.

Why am I thinking like that?! But his voice sounds so perfect...No, control yourself! You are alone and do not even know what that dream means! Then I realised his siblings were not with him.

"Where are your siblings?" I said taking a step back but he took a step forward and went in deeper into the darkness where I was and said replied, "Sweetie, do you want my siblings to get in the way of our relationship?" Yakko whispered softly that my body just tingled. He had never been this close to me before.

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