Chapter 13

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It was 9 pm in the afternoon and we reached here, just in time, that, when I saw it, I gasped and said, "Woah..." 

"Wait, a's a CATHEDRAL!" Dot exclaimed crossing her arms as soon as we all got out of the car, "What a rip-off!"

"I thought it was more hell firey than anticipated," Wakko said examining the outer look of the entrance as his tongue stuck out in a sulk in the process of closing his own door. 

"Muah! Goodnight, everybody!" Yakko smooched out loud, locking the car in the process. I facepalmed, with a chuckle. I then looked to the right and to the left to see if anyone was still walking by here, even today. But not one soul was in sight. 

"Weird..." I muttered.

"Maybe the caves are beneath this building, don't you think, Red?" Minerva said but didn't get an answer. So she turned to me.

"Red? What are you doing?" She asked as she looked at me with a confused look.

"Well, this seems to be a low-key museum but no one is in sight," I said feeling something eerie in my gut. 

"Well, what are they supposed to do, then? Destroy something that was important to them in their past?" Minerva asked me in inquiry. 

"Well, no, but this place is already secluded. They should at least do something about this to ensure everyone else's safety. Look, there are even no signs to keep off by-passers!" I said pointing to the gates, void of instructions on what to do or something if ever anyone would want to go in. 

"Well,'s easier to go through without being seen!" Yakko exclaimed and strode to the church with hardly a care. 

"Woah, slow down Magellan, we have to make a plan in case we get lost down there," I said, gripping Yakko tightly. 

"Well, Magellan found the East Indies with just going from place to place, ya know?" Yakko stubbornly answered trying to release himself from my strong grip. 

"Yeah, but he was killed later on...because he wasn't prepared," Dot replied darkly, "I say we follow Red's plan." 

After Dot said that, Yakko stopped acting up, and just stood there pouting. I saw his reaction and kissed his cheek since he does that to me a lot so why not? Once I was done I then looked back at the others and their all jaw dropped and Yakko just froze there, beet red. 

"Um, thanks, the way, you guys okay?" I asked but no one answered and just stood there, so I just took out a case and took out the earpieces that I found in the car. They finally moved a muscle and asked me about what those pieces were and I said, "So that we can still talk, either from afar or near." And they awed at the piece of technology they held and then placed them all in their ears. 

"Great! Let's go!" I said out loud and held Yakko's hand with care because I know how 'fragile' he can be. And it seems every time I just kiss his cheek he always runs a fever. So I just started to handle him in care. 

"Hey, Yakko? You alright?" I asked him and once I saw him move again instead of walking like some kind of robot he eyed my hand and thought to himself, 'Her hands are so cute and soft!' But then Yakko shook his head.

"So, you're not okay?" I asked if I heard it right. 

"I-I am n-"

"Hey, it's fine you must be sleepy, thanks for driving for us...I can't leave you here though because I have a gut feeling that something is just plain wrong so, I guess I'll just carry you," I said not understanding but thought he was sleepy because of the long drive the whole day and so I stretched and curled up, my fluffy tail and made it like a bed and swooped Yakko from off the ground and carefully placed him on my 'made up bed' tail...Don't ask.

"Guys, Yakko is tired I'll be carrying him

"Woah, you surprise me every time, Red," Minerva said with a light chuckle. 

" it because of me carrying him?"

"'s an interesting sight," Dot said, and when she saw Yakko, blushing slightly as he cuddled up to my tail but I took it as a comfortable situation he was in, she gawked at the sight.

"Look at that cute little puppy!" Dot squealed expressing her 'joy' especially teasing Yakko. 

"Aww, Yakko bro looks so cute when he's cuddling her tail, like that~," Wakko said teasing underneath his comment which I didn't catch. 

"Alright, enough about me and this sleeping puppy. We have got a world to save and so, let's just go inside," I said rolling my eyes not bothering about him being carried by me. 

As soon as I opened the gate entrance to the Hellfires Caves, I took in more of the environment. The skies darkened a bit giving off an eerie feeling. The trees were surprisingly adding to the scary gut feeling because their leaves were bare. The cathedral's color was not comforting me at all, seeing that the cathedral didn't have any other interesting colors. But the only thing that was filled with color was the grass in the lawns. at least it was mowed perfectly. At least they didn't leave this place to itself. Though, the caws of crows filled the air with their screeches. 

When we reached the brown wooden door I knocked on the door but no one answered, yet there was a scratching noise on the other side, that gave me one last try to call them so I looked at the walls to find the doorbell and there it was, a bit higher than eye level, was the doorbell and so I pressed it. And it sang, "They're back!"

"Wha-AGH!" But before I could speak, the doors opened revealing a dark black void and as soon as we took a step further, we all suddenly got sucked in and I screamed waking Yakko and he too screamed and...SILENCE as the doors closed again. Meanwhile, a nurse who hid in the bushes stood upright and dusted herself, smiling even more wickedly. 

"Found you~!" Hello Nurse muttered, then pressed a button on her device and called someone.

"They here?" A male voice replied seductively. 

"Yes, put them through hell...destroy them, but leave Yakko alive!" Nurse said with determination.

"Alright, madam how about the pretty girl~?" The man asked. 

"Um, which one? There are three of them," Nurse eye-rolled at his question.

"The one in red?"

"Yeah, do whatever you want with her but destroy the rest...make that certain and I do not want you to call me until you've destroyed them all are we clear! And don't forget...Yakko is mine!"

"Of course madam, it's a labyrinth down here so I'm sure things will work out, bye toots!"

"That's right, bye" Nurse smiled even more ending their conversation and muttered out, "Yakko..."

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