marry me

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cause baby i am in looking in you eyes,
those eyes that i love,
those hazel eyes that makes me feel at home,
please stay with me forever,
i might not know whats gonna happen in the future,
but i only know that i wanna hold you in my arms forever
i want you to wrap your arms around my neck
kiss me slowly
cause baby i would go to hell and heaven just for you.
you might not know but i wanna tell you
i love youu
no matter what happens
i know i cant live without you
so please hold my hand
kiss my forehead whenever i feel sad
hug me so tight like you do everynight
cause i might not know whats happening but i just want you to be in my arms
look into my eyes
i would drown in those deep brown orbs
lets stay like this forever
smile like you always do to make me feel at home
i need you with me forever
i might never know what you feel
but please hug me so tight like you never wanna let go
i wanna marry you
live with you
sleep with you and wake up with you
i would do anything to stay in your arms love you like no other
show you the world.

chanyeol finished singing the song looking at baekhyun

cconfused lets see how we got here...

"where are you taking me" baekhyun whined looking at yeonjun an taehyung who were fragging him somewhere.. he was sleeping when yeonjun and taehyung barged in giving him dress and getting him ready.

"just shut up hyung we aint gonna kidnap you"yeonjun started getting irritaded.

baekhyun pouted.

what baekhyun wears

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what baekhyun wears

what baekhyun wears

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what yeonjun wears

what yeonjun wears

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what tae wears.

"wait what"baekhyun exclaimed when yeonjun put a blindfold infront of his eyes.

"can i open this"baekhyun asked unsure sensing no one was with him

"i am opening it"baekhyun removed his blindfold.

"hey love"chanyeol said infront of him on a stage he was standing on the stage and it was then he was singing and thats what led chanyeol to kneel down in one knee.

"i know we have known each other our whole life we have been with each other through thick n thin and honestly it makes me very happy that i am kneeling down be my queen baekhyun i might have not been the best bf but i will like to be the best husband i want to grow old with you i want to have a family with you please marry me darling be my queen lets spend the rest of our lives together"
chanyeol confessed.
"so what you think"chanyeol asked looking nervously up at baekhyun who was shock and was crying.

"yes yes yes" baehyun said.

chanyeol hugged baekhyun smilling ever so brightly kissing him shortly after

"you dont know how much happy you made me i am the luckiest man alive"
chanyeol said.

with that being said everyone came giving a group hug and then hugging then indivually congratualling.

"next is your turn bro"chanyeol said to namjoon who just blushed.

"take care of my daughter pup" junghun smiled patting his head smiling like a proud father.
"arent you my father"chanyeol looking at him betrayed.

"are you my son"seungho came warpping an arms around chanyeols shoulder

"yah why are you crying more than me"baekhyun chuckled tears still running down his face.

"i am just happy you are finally gonna get married"taehyung said again hugging baekhyun.

"oky now stop crying or i wont make you the brides maid baekhyun warned knowing how much his brothers and jimin and beomgyu wanted to be his bridesmaid.

"this is unfair" yeonjun whined but neverthless hugged his older brother.

"thankyou pup for protecting us"jin whispered in baekhyuns ear hugging him.

"trust me i wont ever regret protecting you guys"  baekhyun smiled making all the brothers emotional.

"come here you guys and you jimin and beomgyu too you guys why are you all crying"baekhyun chuckled hugging them all with them giving him pecks all over his face.

"we hate you for making us cry"beomgyu said hitting him softly on the chest.

"i love you all guys more"baekhyun smiled now hugging his father and mother in laws including his brother in laws and his own father.

when they were all gonna leave to go back to the castle.

the kin twins stopped chanyeol who was infront making all the boys like namjoon,taehyun,chanyeol,jungkook,soobin,yoongi and hoseok also with heuing kai stop in the tracks.

"as much as we love you brother in law" yeonjun said raising an eyebrow.

"we will pluck your eyes out if you hurt him"taehyung said chanyeol knowing how protecting the others are just smiled at them.

"and as much as you are my brother i would kill you with my own hands if you make him cry"beomgyu said making everyone gulp.

"yeahh he is gonna be my brother in law and i want you all to note somethings dont hurt them"jimin pointed at the others who went towards baekhyun.

everyone losened his tie breathing out.

"that was scary"jungkook breathed out.

"are you the same mafia"hobi inquired.

" ofc he is afraid of his wife"heuing kai said now leading the way.

"namjoon atleast tell him you like him we cant marry one if you dont confess"taehyun whined.

'yeahh i will okay"namjoon sighed.

"hyung when are you gonna get married"taehyung asked already excited.

"tae how would i kno" baekhyun said

"fine i am sleeping" with that bsing said taehyung slept hugging baekhyun and with baekhyun caressing the kids skin he felt proud for how far taehyung came he felt like a proud mum cause well he and jin were the ones who took care of all the brothers.

baekhyun smiled tears in his eyes kissing taehyungs forehead.

"hyung is proud of you"baekhyun mumbled taehyung heard it and just pretented to sleep.

his life was gonna change he was gonna become a queen a husband and if everything went well a mother.
he was gonna get distant alot from his  brothers but he was gonna get through he would make sure to help his brothers tell the people what they were going through he was gonna be stronger than ever

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