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its you
how can i say its not,
your eyes that makes me feel heaven,
will you,
oh will you look at me like you do now,
hug me so tight,
on the days i feel sad,
hold me in your arms,
those same arms that i came to love,
its youuuu,
why dont you understand,
me and you,
sitting under the willow tree,
love me like you do as always,
its youuu
its always youu,
it has always been you,
i may not be with you forever,
but i dont care about what is gonna happen next
cause all i know is i want you
i need you cause its you

taehyung sang with all his heart..

"kim taehyung" tae's uncle voice echoed around the house...

taehyung prepared himself he knew this time he would get bruises that would stay for 1 month....

"yes mister" taehyung stuttered...

"what the heck are you doing you slut" tae's uncle said grabbing taehyungs hair...

"ahh"  taehyung screamed...

"you bitch you are such a burden"taes uncle shouted...

taehyung didnt scream he sat there blankly getting beaten up....

he could see in his uncles eyes that he was gonna kill him...he was scared....

"you little shit come here now do something good for once" his uncle said dragging him to his room pushing him on the bed.

taehyungs eyes widened..

"please dont do this to me pleasee" taehyung shouted in pain,pleading his uncle to stop comming closer....

"you little slut will you like it when i will fuck you hunn" hid uncle said making taehyung scream for someone to help tears in his eyes he was gonna faint just as tae's uncle was gonna rip his shirt apart the door opened seeing jungkook looking angry alongside tae's family and jungkooks alongside the jung family

"you fucker" jungkook punched tae's uncle who groaned in pain from all those punches....

"how dare you huhh,how dare you to touch him with your filthy hands on him" jungkook shouted now grabbing mr choi taes uncle collar pushing him to the wall...

all jungkook saw was anger,blood he needed to stop or he will scare taehyung more but he couldnt all he cared about was anger pure anger how dare he touch him while the police came trying to stop jungkook it looked like mr choi was gonna die if jungkook doesnt stop....

"do you think this is funny,how dare you try to touch him,you dont know what he felt,why will i stop did you stop when he pleaded you to stop" jungkook was crying he was weak soo weak how did he let this happen to his angel,he is such a careless dumb idiot jungkook thought, he looked at his side to see taehyung who passed out in junghuns arms while seungho was frozen...

jungkook knew what seungho felt cause he felt it too he was gonna kill that bastard but seeing seunghos facw he knew who had the right to kill him.

jungkook ran to taehyung who has fainted picking him in his arms putting his jacket around taehyung....
carrying him bridal style taking him to his room calling there personall doctor.....

"doc how is he...." chanyeol asked who was helpjng  yeonjun to stand who was gonna faint anytime while jungkook was crying with his hands covering his face...he was ashamed soo ashamed of himself...jungkook promised taehyung to never let anybody hurt him when he is alive but he let this happen...

while seungho was still in shock and junghun and mrs jeon trued to console them eyes still burning from keeping tears in thier eyes...jimin and beomgyu were trying not to faint while baekhyun blamed himself for this and not telling anyone...

"he is fine,you can see him now but he is resting and when he wakes up please come one at a time and not ask questions,he has gone through so much shock he might not wake up for a day or 2" the doctor suggested...

"kook lets go now everybody is already gone" jin said signalling him to go knowing the kid was gonna get crazy if he didnt see tae..

"i c-cant"jungkook said looking at jin who was comming towards him...

"cmon kook you cant sit like this and you know tae is fine he mught not talk to us like before for a while but he will be back to his cheerful side" jin said making kook nod but still not moving....

"lets go we will meet him" jin said taking kook from his arm dragging him inside...

" tae...." thats all jungkook said after seeing tae and sat beside tae wrapping an arm around taehyungs hands,pecking them gently wanting nothing more than his taehyungie to come back to him but he knew it was easier said than done.....

jungkook had tears in his eyes like everyone else in the room he whispered just one thing....

see you in next chapter

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