the kiss

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"I---" beom furthered.

"You?" Taehyun asked.

At this point beomgyu gave up on saying something and just stared at taehyuns lips.

Taehyun saw beomgyus gaze and mirrored the action.

"I hope we are on the same chapter cause i badly wanna kiss you" beomgyu said softly.

"Well what are you waiting for your majesty" taehyun smirked.

Beomgyu"s eyes widened.

No how could he say such things out aloud can the ground just eat him alive.

"You know....i have felt this for way too long to not act upon it when the time came" taehyun spoke his hands softly caressing beom's lips.

Beomgyus eyes widened yet again when taehyun came foward and kissed him

It was supposed to be a soft peck just lips touching but then the sexual tension from the past years came out and taehyun wae fucked

He was always good at holding his emotions and feelings but damn it felt good to kiss your life long crush.

Their lips moved softly in sync, thier movements were easy handled in no rush for anything, savouring every single moment.

*outside the door*

"Get aside let me hear" taehyung spoke pushing jimin out of the way.

" no you get aside let me hear you are deaf" yeonjun spoke trying to eavesdrop.

"No you are deaf" taehyung spoke

"Haw stop lying its obvious you are" yeonjun said.

Well they were going back and forth with the fights.

They failed to see jimins expression of frighten and his signs of telling them to look back.

"Pst pst" jimin spoke his hands going back to pinch his stupid friends.

"Owww what is it now" yeonjun spoke and the twins turned around.



Ha...." taehyung laughed awkwardly seeing jungkook standing their looking so damn hot with those raised eyebrows (that wasnt me i promise its taehyungs thoughts everybody)

"Whats happening here anyone care to explain" jungkook asked with his eyes glaring at the three of them.

" step out who wants to go first" jungkook spoke.

Jimin and yeonjun moved back  making tae in the front.

"So tell me taehyung what is happening here" jungkook asked.

" me?" Taehyung said dumbfounded

Looking around he saw the two betrayers looking at him with a sorry expression.

"Ha....hyung you see i saw this very cuteee squirel there i want it lets go search for it right? Ha ....hw" taehyung spoke dragging jungkook with him who as a whipped bunny followed.

But jimin and yeonjun werent able to ignore the glare taehyung sent while walking away.

Lets hope for a safe recovery for those both.



This chapter is for the lovely Malakas102

Have lots of fun guys stay healthy and lets see you in hopefully a short while ♥️❣💃🏻🩸💃🦋♥💜🧡💙❤🖤💞💕😍💚💜💜💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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