You're not special.

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You're not special.

You're one of many.

He reminded you constantly.

He could get what he got from you from any girl.

They would do anything at his request.

But you're special, right? Because he chose you.

Out of all of those girls running after him.

He wanted to have you all. But he said no because of you.

He didn't want to hurt you.

That made you feel special.

But deep down there was the crushing weight of knowing you had nothing special to offer from the others.

You know deep down it was probably just luck.

Whenever he was upset or down he would say it was a fake version of himself that fell in love with you, yet you stayed.

You promised. You wouldn't leave him. You'd always be there for him.

He can't say the same for you though.

You're just another familiar face to him now in a crowd of thousands of people.

You wish it had gone differently.

You wish he still loved you.

But remember- You're not special.

You never will be.

Get that in your head, little girl.

Stop thinking you're special. It gets you hurt.

Remember you're plain, silly girl.

It'll get you far.

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