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Silly little girl.

You're jealous.

She's so pretty and you want that.

Nobody hates her.

She's got everyone wrapped around her finger.

She's your best friend yet whenever you see her you overflow with envy.

She gets along with everyone.

She knows what to say.

He loves her.

You want to be her.

You want him.

It hurts you to think about it, doesn't it?

See. Little girl, you'll never be her.

You don't have it in you to change.

You're lazy.

You're weak.

You envy the way everything is right about her.

But she's not perfect.

She thinks she's disgusting.

She doesn't eat more than one meal.

But you still want to be her.

Whatever it takes.

Silly girl. You're going to get hurt again.

It's fine.

You'll get over it.

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