part 4-6

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that picture is always with me. in my wallet. holding him closer 'till our eyes meet.

dear jungkook,

i have your photograph. you look so young even though it's only been a year since the party.

i'm okay. a little scared maybe, but it's nothing you need to stress about. don't worry if i don't write back right away, i may be gone for a bit.

i still miss you baby. i love you. i'll be back soon now, just a little longer.

you won't ever be alone. wait for me to come home.


i can't help but worry about taehyung. he may be gone for a bit?

the left side of the bed has been empty for 2 months now. i've never noticed the small crack in the window of our bedroom. the cold wind blows right through and no one was there to keep me covered.

i really am helpless on my own, aren't i?

dear taehyung,

please tell me. are you okay? if you feel unwell just come home right away. be honest.

i don't want anything to happen to you. you're the only one me making me feel alive.

you're coming home soon right?

hyung i miss you so much.


two weeks gone and no letter in the mail. a heavy uneasy feeling is weighing down on me, in my chest. it feels like drowning.

dear taehyung,

are you okay? i didn't receive your letter. i don't want to worry about you because you know i trust you.

please write back when you can. stay safe!

i still miss you a ton.

photograph // taekook // short storyWhere stories live. Discover now