men suck.

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quinn POV.

i was on a walk and i got lost. it's my fault i knew i shouldn't go to a new area but noo i had to try something new..

goddamnit i could have sworn i took a left on that street, fuck I'm lost.

i kept walking hoping i would see something that looks familiar but nothing, im not in the middle of know where. i'm in LA goddamnit!

"i literally grew up here why cant i recognize anything in down town."

i see this dog round the corner and he is going fast! i'm able to grab onto him and he stop but not after dragging me across the pavement.

"OH SHIT. are you ok!? I'm so so sorry he slipped out of my hands."
"I'm fine and its ok, thanks tho." 
"are you sure, you're bleeding."
"yeah! I'm fine tho, I think"

he puts his hand out to help me up

"I'm Ethan by the way."
"Quinn, nice to meet you. you sound familiar.."

what were those guys my brother watches called again? glampers? no. ugh

"oh wow I didnt think you watch that type of thing on the internet."

he said with a straight face. why would he say that?? ofcourse he has to be a prick. all the pretty ones are.

"what? NO!" im getting annoyed now.
"i'm just kidding. i stream sometimes and make youtube videos."

oh he's an influencer. gross.

"ohh. ok when it was nice to meet you but i'll be going now."

what a dickhead.

"ok do you need a ride or anything?"
"im fine, hun"
" what did you call me?"

does he think im hitting on he are something?

"yeah, uh anyway thanks for catching spenser. um bye."

man this kid is awkward..i think i see why the dog ran from him in the first place

I went on my way realizing I still don't know where I am and then I saw a Starbucks.

OH, this is mine and amy's lunch spot i knew i could find my way, ok i was doubting my self but i still did it.
suck it quinn.

with that i managed to get home before it was to dark, men suck.

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