Payment & Rules

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Yep, the part that nobody really enjoys, but it's necessary if you want graphic work done for you at this shop. We'll start out with the rules, just to get those out of the way ASAP. But pay attention!


1.) Shop hopping is not allowed UNLESS this graphic shop and the other both know about it

2.) NO slamming of this graphic shop or it's designers if you are not satisfied with your product. The designers work hard on this and will do our best to fit your need, but sometimes that's hard. @sunny4evers and @HawtHawtHeatGurl don't deserve that

3.) Yes, we all understand. It can be frustrating when you don't get exactly what you want. But the designers here are doing the job for you. Please treat them with respect and be kind

Okay, that's over with! Now for the payment...


1.) Like all chapters for one book selected by your given designer

2.) A public and proper shoutout to all your followers on your message board

3.) Acknowledgements towards the cover in the description/blurb of the book the designed cover is for

Ok, that's over! Got all that down? Don't worry, it should all be easy enough. Moving on!

Equine & Other Story Cover Graphic ShopWhere stories live. Discover now