1. Him

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Note: The cover of the book is Barry if you were wondering.

Hi there, I'm Barry Light and I attend WestView High, yes the boring normal highschool that you never see in a movie. Anyways being the only out kid in school is pretty rough. All the jocks calling you "fag" or "princess (Even though I use to dress up as I). Even the nerds call me out on it, like once Alfred Niffmard told me I need to fix the level of estrogen I have in my body. Like whats an estrogen (Not the smartest guy).

I guess the only good from being the only gay kid in school is that girls love you, like a lot. "Becky I really think you should leave Barry alone, as you can see he doesn't like you anymore." said Tyra the most popular girl in school.

"No he does Tyra we're better friends then you'll ever be with him."said Becky, that is Becky. We been friends since preschool she is what people call 'Ride or Die'.

"Look Tyra and Becky I can be friends you both, why can't we all just be friends" I said in a quiet and shy voice.

"Ew. Are you suggesting that I be friends with something as hideous as that." Tyra said with a disgusted look on her face.

"Looks who's talking, atleast I don't need to cover my face with that much makeup to make myself look atleast decent." Becky said with her arms crossed.

"OH MY GOD, if you don't shut up right now I think I'm going to kill you both". They looked at me like I was the most craziest person alive. And I didn't care. Tyra and her crew walked away while I sat there with Becky who was still in shock at what I said.

"Sorry Becks, I didn't mean to yell." I said with the puppy dog eyes, I knew she couldn't resist that. She smiled and hugged then said

"Your my best friend Barry, no matter what happens I'll always be here for you."

I felt tears about to fall but I snapped out of it and put on my 'man voice'. "Me too." She laughed because she knew whenever I did my 'man voice' it was obvious.

Becky was there when I came out to my family, she wanted to support me no matter what my parents said. Funny thing is my mom won a bet they made if I were gay or not... Yeah best parent award goes to.. Anyways, highschool is like hormones everywhere. Every corner you turn a couple is making out and it's weird. It seems like I am the only person in this school who isn't dating someone other then Becks. We said if we were ever single when we are 30 will marry each other. But I don't want that to happen. I want a guy but not for sexual pleasure, I want a guy who is nice and sweet and likes me for me. Thats all I want.. Well if he's cute then that's a bonus. Just wishing that he would come sooner than later.

******Day later

It's Friday today which means 6 more hours until I am release from this hell hole. Becks was sick today. I always go to her house so we could take the bus together. She texted me she didn't feel well so she was gonna stay home. So I do my daily routine, wake up, pick out my outfit, take a shower, brush my teeth, put on my contacts cuz fuck glasses, made sure my crystal blue eyes were pretty, skip breakfast, get in a arguement with my parents for not eating my breakfast since I'm like a stick and only 5'7 in grade 12(17), hug my 8 year old sister Callie and say bye to everyone. But this time had to take the bus on my own.

When I got to school the first person I see waiting to bash on me was yes the one and only Chris Thomas. He is captian of the football team, basketball team, soccer team and swim team. Not to mention how hot he is but like one of the biggest jerks in our school.

"Hey princess where's your ugly sidekick, she left you all alone. Awww looks like little fagg boy is gonna cry." All his friends start laughing at me. I really couldn't do anything he was built like the damn terminator. I just walked away really fast, as if he didn't say anything to me.

Then BOOM, I ran into somebody by accident. I fell hard to the ground and was dazed for a few seconds. Shit one of my contacts fell out. I look up. And Oh my god, I swear I think I just saw an angel. The look of concern on his face was surprising. Everyone that hurts me does it intentionally most of the time.

"Are you alright" he said. I gazed into his eyes not hearing what he said. Then he repeated himself "Hey are you alright". I snapped out of it and said " Yeah I am, sorry about that" I said shyly. "No it's cool I should have watched where I'm going."

And this is how my fairytail started...

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