4. Maybe This Time

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I pulled up to my garage and parked it behind my brother's car. I looked at Barry and he seemed like he was in his own world. I know it's mean but I can't resist to tease him it's so fun.

"Hey Barry we're here." I said in the most seductive voice I can possibly do, right next to his ear. He jumped a little and started blushing like crazy.

"Oh, umm, okay." I opened the door to let my self out of the car and realized Barry was having trouble opening his.

I opened the door for him and he stared at me with those beautiful eyes. "Thank you"He said with a shy smile. I smirked a little thinking about the way he stared after he kissed my check.

Oh and if you haven't figured it out yet, yes I am gay.

Not a feminine guy or some Muscle man. I'm me and if people don't like that they can shove 20 inch poll up their ass.

Anyways back to Barry. Oh yes his eyes were blue like the ocean and I had to resist the urge to not make out with him there.

"Let's go in, my mom won't be home until 7 so we got time to do whatever we want." I said with a wink.

He smiled and got out of the car. We headed for the front door and out of no where the door opened wide. Oh boy.

"NATHAN, You're home early. Did you decide school wasn't for you?"

"No we got sent home early because of a accident in the science room" I didn't want to say I did because I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Listen brother, mom said shes getting home latter around 9 so, you have to cook." He said a fake smile.

"Me, meaning you have to cook but don't want to so you are lying to me, right?" He laughed a little.

"You know me to well Nathan." He looked at Barry and smiled a little evilish.

"And you are?" He asked now standing infront of Barry.

I heard Barry gulp and he started turning red. "Umm, I'm Barry Light"

My brothers eyes opened wide and filled with concern. "Nathan can I talk to you for a second.. Alone."

Barry caught on and entered the house. "What? Why did you look at Barry like that?"

"Are you serious? Did you not hear his last name? Light? As in the Light family.. Aka Vampire, Werewolf, Witch and Ghost hunters?"

Oh no I didn't take his name into consideration. Shit I messed up what if he knows I'm vampire. Ohh crapp.

"Maybe he doesn't know. I mean he is 17. Wasn't like 20 they teach their kids what vampires and werewolves etc are?"

"No they teach their kids when they are 18, Nathan what is wrong with you? You need to get him out!"

"No I can't, I invited him."

"Then uninvite him for god sake Nathan. We have lived for 238 years without any trouble with the Light family and I intend on making it another. So deal with it or I will"

I quickly grabbed him and threw him against the wall. "Lay a finger on him brother and I will kill you myself."

"Um, is something wrong?"

Oh fuck.

"No we're just messing around, we do this all the time don't worry. Isn't that right Brother" Lucas said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Well I have to go, you two keep the house clean so mom doesn't go all monster crazy."

"Bye." Barry said softly with a small wave.

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