Me and The Neko (I)

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|Chapter 3: Let's Travel Around Tokyo, Shall We?|

A/N THIS WAS VERY LATE. TuT Too much school assignment, that I'm making most stories Hiatus. But don't worry! They'll be updated in no time!



It was one of those time where you meet someone you knew for a long time, meet again one day and becomes unsociable. I wanted to talk to him. But I didn't know where to start.

"How's Miyagi?" The same bed hair, the same color, the same face- this was really Kuroo Tetsurou. Even though it's been years since we met in grade school, we were able to find each other in the crowded place otherwise known as a.........


Amusement Park. Childrens were screaming, families at their wits ends, the school kids just horsing around- it was a fantabulous place to be. If you were a kid.

"If I didn't have to wake up so early to go on the Shinkansen to Tokyo, then I'll be just fine." I said sarcastically, lowering my guard as a sweet, innocent, smart high schooler to my old self I have forgone since grade school.

"It was a last minute change in plan, Nana-pyon." My eyes twitched.

"Owowowowowowowowwowowowowowowowwwwwwwww! Stop pulling my ears!" My hand was immediately at his ear, pulling at it at enormous strength.

"Don't call me that, Tetsu-chan." I put my hand on my skirt, straightening it out as nearby people looked at us strangely. Well, I would have liked to say strangely. But it's more like, "KYAAAA! They look so adorable with each other!"

I was wearing a green shirt with a sleeveless white vest. My skirt was matching as I wore a locker on my neck. My hair had a small ponytail in the back, aligning with my yellow long hair. Many guys were looking at me, as if I was so innocent that I would be led by them.

If I was the innocent one, then Kuroo would be the cool one. Wearing a black jacket unkempt like his hair, with black pants and a red shirt, he looked like the popular boy in school. As such, girls were glaring at me when they were walking around.

"But Nana-pyon, you know you like it~" In response, I punched him in the arm as I walked forward into the park. There wasn't anything that was interesting.

"How is it like being friends with Trashykawa?" I facepalmed internally. I called Oikawa that along with many other nicknames I gave when I was chatting with Kuroo. I had never expected Kuroo to remember that.

"He..." I hesitated. The tutoring was still weird in my head, remembering the heightened heart beats I felt in my heart. "He's an ass."

"Seems so by your texts."

"How's Kenma?"

"He's well. He dyed his hair."

"What?!" Kenma was Kuroo's best friend, whereas we got along well. He was almost like a little brother to me. Though, I wouldn't say Kuroo was an older brother.

"To Caramel. You'll see." I merely pouted. Unlike Oikawa, I have this sense of comfort with Kuroo. As if my mask could disappear and I can just become normal.

"Do you miss me, Tetsu-chan? We haven't met for 6 years!" I teased him, as he looked grimly at me.

"Yes, I did. We've been friends for a long time, Nana." He had his trademark smirk curling on his face, as I looked in horror. "And that's why because we're friends..." He pulled me over to a dreadful building.

"We're going into a Haunted House!"

Me, The Neko, and The Playboy (Haikyuu!)Where stories live. Discover now