Really irrelevant, but still, Locklyle.

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Flashback to a Christmas Day in 35 Portland Row... (This has nothing to do with this fic, it's basically a short fanfic... So yeah.)

Lucy: why are you telling me not to come out of my room?

George: Eh, couples.

Lucy (blushing furiously): it's just Christmas, God, it's not like it's a special day just for me.

Lockwood (from the 1st floor) Don't bring her down yet George!

Lucy (shouting back) I can hear you, you know.

George: whatever, I'm just here to watch you like Lockwood told me to do.

Lucy: I'm not a kid, I know what to do.

Lockwood: you can come down now!

Lucy: finally!

(Lucy runs down the stairs, trips in the middle and falls down... Into Lockwood's arms.)

Lockwood: that wasn't expected.

George: no comment.

Lucy: sorry.. Wait.. Oh my god.

(Lockwood prepared a candlelight dinner, all on his own, without anyone's help, plus Lucy just noticed that he's actually wearing casual clothes for the first time.)

Lockwood: most people wear suits.. But I think I shouldn't, since I always wear formal clothes. So.. I got like, normal shirt and jeans.. I hope you like them.. For a change, and for you, just today, yeah..

Lucy: I get it.. Oh Lockwood-

(She flings her arms around him)

Lucy: you don't need to change, I don't care what you're wearing. this is the best Christmas ever.

(Lockwood turns his lips to her ear.)

Lockwood: Merry Christmas.

Lucy: you too. Merry Christmas. I never knew- I would have prepared a nicer gift if I only knew you weren't too busy for christmas,

Lockwood: I'm never busy for you, love. And I don't need a gift- you're the best thing I could ever have.

(Lockwood presses his lips to hers as Lucy's eyes slowly close.)

(No one notices George fangirling- or is it fanboying- in the corner.)

George and his Doughnuts (Lockwood & Co fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora