Chapter Fifteen

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Scorpius gaped at the scene before him, and all three of us froze.

No one dared to say anything, I could hardly keep my eyes open from all the feelings surrounding me and Lockwood and Scorpius were glaring at each other.

The first one to speak was Scorpius.

"Lucy! Are you okay?" He asked, concerned. I covered my top with the blanket as he realized that I was in my bra and shorts, which definitely made it way awkward between us.

I cleared my throat and Scorpius looked away, embarrassed. Lockwood made a random angry hiss.. And I knew I had to really try to set peace between them.

"I.. I'm fine," I said, managing to speak.

His eyes widened. "Did he rape you?"

"Oh god, no," I said after but was cut off.

"I'm going to kill you," Scorpius said to Lockwood, who glared at him as if he was crazy.

"Excuse me?" Lockwood said, insulted.

"You were going to rape her!" Scorpius said angrily. He turned to me.

"Lucy, you should've been more careful!" He said. "can't you see he's only here for sex?"

I was busy blushing over his last words to actually register what he said about Lockwood. Then what he actually said dawned on me as I shook my head vigorously.

"Scorpius, listen to me for once." I said quite calmly. I was surprised at my own calm voice. I guess none of the guys expected that from me, because they actually turned to listen.

"Honestly, if Lockwood only wanted, as you said, sex, (I blushed more at that, and willed myself to please, please cool down.) he wouldn't be here. He'll be doing the dirty back in London. Why would he bother coming to the states- if he didn't care for me?" I asked.

Lockwood looked at me adoringly.

"That's my Lucy," he said proudly.

"But you're too young, Lucy." Scorpius said.

"Don't tell me you weren't going to do the exact same thing with her if you got the chance to do so." Lockwood hissed.

"No. I won't use her like that."

"I'm not using her," Lockwood said nastily. He looked at me. "It's a surprise I haven't stuck a rapier down his throat yet."

"No ones using anyone,"I said firmly. "And I'd appreciate if you boys stopped fighting so uselessly-"

"Keep out of this, Luce," Lockwood said.

"For the first time, I agree with this piece of-"

"It would be best for you not to continue," Lockwood said. They glared at each other for some more time until Lockwood pulled out his rapier.

I gasped.

"Lockwood, no!"

He lazily swung the rapier to clean his nails.

"Easy, love," he said. "Just cleaning my nails."

Scorpius, on the mean while, was holding a- wooden stick?

I don't get this generation anymore. That's why I choose not to follow the others trend anymore. It keeps changing anyway.

"What's that?" I asked, then realized what it was.

"A wand," he said.

Lockwood had the decency to laugh at his face.

"Nice try, pretty boy," he said.

That, obviously, my dear mates, was not a good thing to say.

Scorpius yelled out a spell (which I didn't get, but all I remember is that it sounded funny) then the rapier flew into his hands.

I gaped.

"That's illegal!" I said.

"That is called magic," he said.

Lockwood looked furious.

"Bragging now?" He asked. Scorpius smirked back at him.

"Two can play the game, yeah?"


I declare all of this, after an hour of so called 'dueling', is pointless and stupid.

Lockwood and Scorpius did their own thing (and made the hotel room somewhere that should be called hazardous to health) while I read one of the gossip magazines stashed in the pocket of Lockwood's coat.

I was answering a "Does he really like you?" quiz when Scorpius called me.

"Lucy," he said.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Make a game that's actually fair for the both of us."

"What's the prize?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

"You." Lockwood said.

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