Chapter 10

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"I do not."

"You need to know Ire! It's important, especially if we are going to continue to share blood and get into each other heads." 

She sighed "If I must..."

"I was walking through the forest following a blood trail from a Walker; I saw mud tracks that slid off the hill so I followed it assuming that it was him. I slid down the mountain and came to a river I walked down it a few yards where I heard something wheezing for air. I ran toward it thinking it was him since I did shoot him in the lung. I got to the noise and there you were, your eyes were wide open and you were drowning. I don't know what came over me, but I just jumped in and pulled you out of the water without even thinking I... I didn't know how deep or if I could have died too I just dove... it was strange now thinking about it, but I... just, I couldn't stop myself I seen you and knew I had to save you. Once I got you safety in my arms I quickly pulled you to land. You started convulsing for some reason I even asked the Doc about it and he had no idea why it had happened he thinks it might be your body expelling everything, but you were still drowning so I gave you mouth to mouth the best I could and you coughed up water and a lot of blackish red blood I would say more than I have ever seen, but it wasn't sadly and then you laid back down on the ground closed your eyes and as much as it hurt me to see you like that, you... were so beautiful and calm. Your hair was laying around you glowing in the dark sand; your skin was glittering from the water. You were just so beautiful I almost thought I was crazy that I just pulled someone as beautiful as you from the water or that you could be out there in that mess at all and that I of all males found you."

Ire wiped a tear from her cheek. "I will never forget that your found me it means so much to me Payne thank you, but I just don't want to remember them. I don't want to remember the way they touched me, talked to me or looked at me even... it haunts me if I'm asleep or awake and I just want to forget about it all until I have new memories and a fresh start, because I can't live with that fear and I'm ready for a fresh start." She spoke as strongly as she could get out before she broke down.

Payne sat down and pulled her into his chest, he was surprised she didn't pull away. She just cuddled into his chest as she cried into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her as close as he could. He has seen her pain though many friends, but never by personal experience he felt fortunate that he never felt that pain and neither did his brother... more or less his brother knew nothing of any kind of pain. He knew nothing of the secrets that their past held and he planned to leave it that way.

"I want to tell you everything is alright, but... I can't lie to you, but I do know how strong you are I can see it in your eyes and even though you don't feel it now that version of you is in there and you will find a reason to let her come out again, but for now I understand and she understands as well that you need to work past this, you need to build yourself up Ire and that's what makes you so fucking amazing and so brave and yes so strong too, but no matter how much you get beat down over and over you get up every damn time, you just get back up. If anyone in this fucking house is a warrior it's you by far!"

Payne tucked her hair behind her ears and looked into her glistening blue eyes and they were even more sparkling with the extra red rim around them and the twinkling tears in the corners. His heart dropped into his stomach, he had never felt anything like it before and he now understood why males got mated if this is what they felt.

She rubbed her eyes and looked up at him; his beautiful green eyes were shimmering back at her when a soft smile slipped across her lips. She blushed a little and then before she could lose her nerve she pressed her lips against his. Her body melted to his touch and shone waves of heat and pleasure burned through her body. It was nothing like she had ever felt in her life, this took over her mind, body and soul. Her body was doing things on its own like it knew it belonged to Payne and Payne belonged to her.

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