Chapter 19

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Ire and Draven was in Draven SUV driving and she staring out the window admiring the city most of the drive not hearing a single word Draven had said to her, until they pulled up to a large metal gate.

"Where are we?" She asked trying to see through the trees. She could see some lights, but nothing else.

"This is your new home." He answered.

"No it's still yours, I'm just your lovely guest." She corrected him with a smile, he rolled his eyes.

The gates opened and she sat back in her seat and watched as the house got bigger and bigger and the lights got brighter and brighter.

"This isn't a home, it looks like... a palace Draven!" She spoke amazed and excited.

He laughed "Wait till we go inside." He said proudly.

"Oh brother, where did you... how did you?" She asked completely amazed.

"I have learned the fundamentals as to what these humans will spend their hard earned money on and my money flow became very rich." He said even more proudly.

"What are they spending it on?" She asked as he pulled into a garage.

He looked at her, and smiled, "Nothing worth telling your pretty ears about." He said as he shut the car off.

Ire got out just as Draven did a loud noise that made her jump and let a little squeaky scream out.

"What is that?" She asked scared as she gripped on her suit case tightly, That was when a big door started rolling down from the ceiling and closed them into a white room with two other vehicles.

"It's just the garage door, sometimes I forget your life was mostly in Haven and that you don't really know this world." He said and ran his hand over his neck.

"Let's just go inside, it's much warmer there." He said as he stepped up a few steps and opened a door.

Draven took Ires bag for her and walked into the door way. It was a very long hall way with some doors that were all closed, nothing to fancy. It smelt clean and fresh, there was cream colored carpet with quite a few doors that she could see.

"Winter, is getting here and it's starting to get fucking freezing, thank the goddess it's warm in here." He said as he started walking down the hall, rubbing his hands together.

"I forget about you blood brother, how does your mate feel about your differences?" Ire asked looking around.

"She knows everything about me, we have no secrets and she doesn't seem to mind... most of the time." Draven answered.

"Oh, well it's good she approves, it takes a very wonderful female." She said as they walked down the hallway side by side.

"Ire... Is that a compliment?" He asked as he looked over at her not to sure.

She just nodded her head yes as she walked down the hall peeking into doors that were cracked open.

"I love you unconditionally brother, but what your blood has the ability to make you do, I personally wouldn't be able to handle it." She stated, as they came up to a door that had numbers on the wall next to it.

"Where does this go?" She asked.

Draven took a deep trying breath, he just reminded himself to try to understand her old ways of thinking. Then typed in the passcode and gestured for her to walk in to the stairwell.

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