Part 2 Sway

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Nessa was just fixing up her finished room as she got a FaceTime call from Josh Richards.
She answers it as the Canadian boy's face pops up onto the screen.

Josh: hey ness

Nessa: hey Joshua

He rolls his eyes playfully at the sound of the nickname. as she  flips him off

Josh: you still sticking with the nickname bud?

Nessa: mhm Joshua if you have a problem then don't talk to me

Josh: geez miss cranky pants I wanted to ask since you moved to la if you wanted to come over to sway to hang out.

Nessa: sure

Josh: ok bring a swimsuit we're going to be filming a YouTube video in the pool

Nessa: ok whatever I will be there in 10

Josh: ok bye ness

Nessa waves bye and hangs up as she goes to he closet to change. She grabs a blue bikini and changes and puts on a over sized t shirt and black shorts.She grabs her keys and phone and goes to her car and starts to drive to sway blasting Jaden's music.

She arrives at sway as she climbs out of her car and knocks onto the Josh opens the door with a camera in his hand as he zooms up in her face.


Nessa: Josh don't fucking show my face

Josh: No we need you in the vlog

Nessa: josh fucking don't I swear I will kill you

Josh: please nessa

Nessa: no I don't want my fucking face i look horrible right now

Josh keeps following nessa around the house as she gets pissed.

She goes outside to the pool where everyone is getting ready to go into the hot tub. she gets in sitting next to Jaden and Josh. 


Nessa covers her ears as she cringes at the sound of the boys yelling 

Josh: so toady were going to be doing a Q and A with sway plus Nessa becuase you guys love her

Nessa waves as she smiles at the camera and poses. Josh scoffs

Josh: such a poser

the boys laugh except for Jaden who was checking his phone . i sink back in embrassment as your in the verge of tears.

Bryce: lets make a hashtag #cancelnessa2021 

Josh: ok enough of bullying nessa 

he nudges her as she looks up from the water tries and put a fake smile on . Jaden looks at Nessa and gives a reassuring smile which she gives back.

Josh: ok so the first question is."how many people have you fucked"?

all the boys oo as Nessa fiddles with her rings

Jaden: they are going straight to the sex questions 

Bryce: like 25

the boys laugh including Nessa

Kio: 6

Josh: 12 

Jaden: 12 

Griffin: 8

Nessa: um like 10 

Josh shakes his head 

Josh: you haven't

Nessa: yes i have i know my sex life more than you do Josh 

Josh: so technically your a slut? 

the boys scream in laughter as Nessa is at the verge of tears. she wipes her eyes as she tries not to let her tears fall down 

Jaden: ok whats the next question. your bullying the poor girl 

the boys stop laughing as Nessa gives a thank you look to Jaden which he returns by smiling. 

Bryce: ok next question...

They boys and Nessa finishing hanging out and fillimg, Nessa is right now in the living room chilling on her phone while the boys are doing random stuff. some comes to the room and sits next to her on the couch to her surprise its Jaden.

Nessa: oh hi Jaden

Jaden: Ness i wanted to apologies for the boys behaviour 

Nessa puts her phone down and fiddles with her rings 

Nessa: i guess its fine they do it all the time

Jaden: its not fine ness 

Nessa: Jaden its ok 

she gives him a sad smile as he gives her one back dropping the topic

Nessa: how are you and Mads?

Jaden: were ok like we fight sometimes  but at the end of the day i love her 

Jaden: anyways how is your music going?

nessa smiles at the topic

Nessa: well i am going to. the studio tomrrow and i am really excited 

Jaden: i would love to hear your music some time

He smiles at the Small girl.

The two teens end up talking all night as Nessa decides to go home because Josh was playing on his Playstation 

Love meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora