Erin Jaeger

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Let's Start with Erin
"I want to know what's become of the outside world. I don't want to ignorantly live out my entire life inside these walls. And if there's nobody around to carry on anymore, then all the lives of the people who died so far would become pointless!"

"I'll kill them all! I'll wipe everyone of them... off the face of this Earth!"

"If you lose, you die. If you win, you live. If you don't fight, you can't win!"

"Even if we can't ever leave the walls, if we can eat and sleep we can still live on... which is just like being livestock, isn't it?"

"I'll purge this world of them... not sparing a single one."

"Because I am... because humans are weak... do weaklings have no alternative but to cry?"

"I've made it here at last. It's humanity's turn now. This time around... mankind will feast upon the Titans!"

"I did it! How's that Mikasa? I can do this! I can fight the Titans! I don't need to have you looking after me anymore!"

"I'm neither your brother, nor your kid!"

"Knock it off! Mankind is on the verge of ruin! How can you be trying to make this situation convenient for yourself?"

My Favorite⬇️
"Armin... because you told me about it... I'm going to go... to the outside world."

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